Thank you for your email. It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday and to be able to present our rug collection to you and your knowledgable team.
Unfortunately there is nobody at the moment at our project office in New York to welcome Mr. Chugo, as our associate had to fly to Miami to work on an important project with a client.
I will myself be back on Monday afternoon, but it might be too late to meet Mr. Chugo….
Today, we met with 2 other important designers and their reactions were very positive!
Tomorrow we have our last appointment at 3PM. Perhaps we could try to meet again after this meeting. We have some questions we would like to ask you and different points we need to clarify should we decide to work together.
We need to study the pricing structure and see how this could all make sense.
We also need to know more about your future business strategy. How would you plan to introduce our collection in the Japanese market, and also what is your strategy with respect to your portfolio of brands that you distribute?
Do you intend to add more brands to your offering? If so which ones, and do you plan to add/terminate some rug brands?
I am attaching here our Distribution Agreement template and our Conditions of Sales for your review.
As we told you we believe in personal relationships rather than long and complicated contracts.
Hopefully we can meet again tomorrow.