Business visa is granted to a foreign national who wants to visit India to establish an Industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture or wants to purchase/sell industrial products in India. This Visa is granted to the following conditions:
a) The applicant is a person of assured financial standing and expertise in the field of the intended business.
b) The applicant is not visiting India for the business of money lending or petty trading, or for a full time employment in India involving payment of salary in India etc.
c) The facility of Business Visa can also be extended to senior executives of firms, experts, tour conductors and travel agents etc, visiting India in connection with work related to projects of national importance, including those undertaken by public sector undertakings and conducting business tours of foreigners or business relating to it, etc.
d) A foreign national will have to comply with all other requirements like payment of tax liabilities etc.
e) The grant of business Visa is subject to any instructions issued by the Government of India on the basis of reciprocity with other foreign countries from time to time.