Jawi Temple has the shape of slightly and high. The roof of the temple is decorated thincarved reliefs illustrate an unknow story, some reliefs are in bad condition. The succession of the story is similar to “ Pradaksina “ story. Side Body of the temple, niches are decorated Kala’s head as the entrance. In the middle part of the body there there is a square flat freme.
The roof consists of three stories, its peak have the shape of “ Dagoba “. Most of the roof’s stone are white stones whilst the food made of andesite stone.
Those two kind of stones have a difference of age conforming Negarakertagama V.57:4 mentioned Jawi Temple was Stricken by lightning in 1253 c. The roof is quiet possible collapsed by this incident, it thereupon was fixed in the next year.
This assumption become obvious on the finding of 1938 C.i.e. an inscribed stone of 1254 C.
The year might signed the rebuilding of Jawi Temple was resemble to the painting on one of its reliefs depicting a building with “ tumpang “ style on a part of roof. Dr. N.J. Krom estimated Jawi Temple is a stories temple, on the contrary Poerbatjaraka mentioned Jawi Temple is not a stories temple.