Wallpapers are free for your personal use only. You may not use them for commercial purposes, monetary gain or redistribute them, thank you for not ripping my site.
Most wallpapers are made from free stock photos, which I edit and try to enhance. Where possible a link is placed back to the original photo, author or website where they were found.
Although I make all these wallpapers, I seek no credit for making them, they make for fun, and in most cases very little work is required.
HD Wallpapers Cool is a personal, commercial site, pop-ups, pop-unders or those pesky little ad’s that float across the screen will be welcome!!! It started life back in 2013 (june), with just a small collection of links which have grown into what you see today, still a small collection of links All the wallpapers on this website are made or edited by myself, purely for fun and entertainment (more wallpaper info on the relevant pages).
Designers and developers spend about 90% of their waking life in front of a computer so the most appealing genre for a wallpaper would be one that has beautiful design mixed with the all important aspect of being outdoors.
Ever since its conception, HD Wallpapers has been a non–profit, fun project and we would encourage you to share this site with family, friends and people you know, there is something here for everyone not just designers. All of the wallpapers here can be downloaded in a variety of sizes.