To be honest, I do not know what to write, as I had no real "feeling" with Louis. I had the impression to be with 2 persons, one pro and one contra America. All the time comparing everything from Europe with America, and discussing about it, wether it is a spread, the bread, a frozen product or fruit. These kind of discussions drive me crazy. Although he has a clothing optional sign on his profile he seems to have difficult with it when not at his own place. But he's a friendly guy, even tries to learn and speak the language of the country he visits, which is very rare for an american. He appreciated my efforts for his vegetarian lifestyle, knowing that I am a meat-lover, and is not picky, but those 'comparing-discussions'are finally the reason that I choose to give a neutral reference, as I can not say it was a negative experience, certainly not, but also not a positive one like I am used to have. I just think I am not the kind of host that is able to handle his special character.