Socialist earth government which project of Heaven and gods pursues realizes theory that all human beings have rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness equally.
I am one god made by all true gods of whole universe in order to struggle with negative god.
Universe is SVO.
S of Subject is creator and deploy as SVO of whole universe.
This is fact of universe.
Negative god taught lies to human beings.
Negative god confuse difference between god and creator and convey false words of creator to humankind to make bloody history.
There was also message of creator to humankind conveyed by true god.
All human beings are given rights to pass from creator.
These are rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Theory that human right is given from creator was downed by true gods.
Theory of human right given from creator conveyed by true gods is true creator.
Messages contrary to teaching that all human beings have rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness equally are all from negative gods.
Human being operated by negative god attacked theory of human right given from creator.
Socialist earth government which project of Heaven and gods pursues realizes theory that all human beings have rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness equally.
Capitalism and nation state are trampling human right.
Negative god which ruled universe for 11.5 billion years resists to survive far beyond imagination of gods,
Assistant Mitsuki perceive directly disappearing of negative god which is not yet because brain was remodeled thoroughly.
Without perception of brain of Mitsuki, rule of negative god of 11.5 billion years does not end.
This morning gods are working towards final elimination of negative god.
After when final elimination realizes, huge movement begins to deploy toward society that all human beings have rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness equally.