33Transforming Puddle A to Puddle B2012 Two Channel Video Installation翻訳 - 33Transforming Puddle A to Puddle B2012 Two Channel Video Installationバスク語言う方法

33Transforming Puddle A to Puddle B

Transforming Puddle A to Puddle B
2012 Two Channel Video Installation (11'02min each)
This work transforms a puddle on the street in Shinjuku to Narahamachi, which once was a designated restricted area inside the 20km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake. All residents of Narahamachi were once enforced to evacuate, but even after the alert being removed after the Summer 2012, few have returned due to radiation fears combined with devastated infrastructures, leaving the streets empty, gathering grass and weeds. Upon questioning how he might confront the reality of such a location not so far from Tokyo, Niwa, while aware that despite any attempt to engage with the place he would be relegated as an outsider, felt the only thing he could do was to transform a puddle. Even though the alert had been removed from the area, the historical fact of this status would never vanish, and would be something that the community would be frequently reminded of while finding its own way towards regeneration.
In the presentation of the work a cube-like structure is created from waste cardboard used for carriage, within which a two channel video installation is set. The entrance of the installation is covered, making just a small slit above the floor, which is structured so that the observer must crouch down on the floor just like the artist does, in order to see the work.
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結果 (バスク語) 1: [コピー]
putzu eraldatzen bat putzu b
2012 bi kanaleko bideo-instalazioa (11'02min bakoitzean)
lan honen shinjuku en kalean putzu batean eraldatu nahi narahamachi, zein behin izan zen izendatutako mugatuan area Fukushima daiichi nuklear 20km erradioaren barruan landare, ekialdean handia Japonian lurrikara kaltetu. narahamachi egoiliarren guztiak ziren behin behartuta atera ahal izateko,baina ari da uda 2012 ondoren alerta kendu ondoren, gutxi itzuli delako erradiazio azpiegiturak suntsitu konbinatzen beldurrak, kaleak hutsik utzita, belar eta belar biltzen. nola kokaleku bat, adibidez, errealitatea aurrez aurre, agian ez zuen hain urrun Tokio, niwa batetik, badakigu, berriz, zalantzan haren saiakera edozein lekura zuen outsider bat izango jaitsiko erakartzeko arren,sentitu besterik ez zuen izan zen putzu bat bihurtzeko. nahiz eta alerta izan gunea kendu, egoera hau ere historikoa inoiz desagertu, eta zerbait izango litzateke, komunitate hori izango litzateke, sarritan, berriz aurkitzea bere bidea birsortzeko bidean gogora.
lanaren aurkezpena kubo batean itxurako egitura da, hondakinen kartoia bagoi erabiltzen sortu,horren barruan bi kanaleko bideo-instalazioa ezarri da. instalazioa sarreran estaltzen da, besterik gabe, goiko solairuan slit txiki bat, egituratuta dago, beraz behatzaile behera Crouch behar lurrean besterik artista bezala egiten du, horrela, lana ikusteko.
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