Juliet didn't return to the ball, and Romeo left vowing to see her again. He knew that he could not go on without her. Life without Juliet would not be worth living.
In the meantime, Juliet was curious. Who was that mysterious young man who had spoken such bold words of love to her? When her private nurse told her that he was the son of Lord Mintahue,she was shocked and dismayed. In fact,she nearly fainted,for she ,too,had fallen in love at first sight just like Romeo.
Later that night,Juliet stood at her bedroom window gazing up at the starlit sky. Romeo,oh Romeo,she said longingly. Where are you? Won't you somehow give up your family and the Montague name for me? Or shall I sacrifice everything for you?
Little did she know that Romeo had not gone straight home after the ball. Instead,he had secretly climbed over a wall at back of Juliet's house. Seeing a light coming from her bedroom window,he went over and stood beneath it. And so, while Juleit was proclaiming her love for Romeo to the moon and stars, Romeo was right below her. He didn't miss a single word.