I agree with one's desire. Be the most agravic agreeable self.
I come up roses, I gather life's roses. Be the most roseate rose-colored self.
I will to do, have one's will, have an iron strong will, conduct with one's utmost sincerity.
I stonk, set free. Consciousness goes away from physical build, gets away from the body, is in my central core.
I do as one pleases, I please oneself, I have the pleasure of doing. Be to one's liking. Be the most pleased pleasing pleasurable self.
I mechanize self, take measures to my masterpiece, give full measure, have a person's measure, take the measure of a person's feet. Be the most large-scale voluminous measureless self. Self-measurement! Self-mechanization!
I route my consciousness via my heaven, I rouse self, I round up own beings, I round out oneself, I round my existence, I make one's the rounds. Be the most round rousing concordant conclusive self. Self-concordance!