I put my new complexion on own life. Be the most tense strained self.
I hold own fiery fierce intense brutality oneself.
I turn one's anger, throw own explosive emotion, into my central nuclear core.
I take out one's brain, take my mind out of own chest.
I confiscate my Islamic extreme fortune, seize Islamic State's all assets.
I include an age, all time, whole era, total period, the times, my young days, into self.
I rewrite one's past, replay bone marrow transplant, save father, react my favorite person.
I flutter oneself, wash my chest away, flush my mind out. Be the most fluty self. Self-flux! Self-influx!
I shoot the rapids, quicken self. Be the most quick fast rapid speedy rapid-fire self. Self-rapine! Self-rapprochement!
I hot up self, hound out own sick wicked wrong poor mind. Be the most hot hot-blooded bold daring self.
I cerebrate oneself, put self in centroid. Be into centroid. Be the most cephalic cerebral centripetal ceremonial ceremonious self. Self-ceremony! Self-cerebration!
I maintain oneself. Be the most main true real actual right just correct proper original natural essential self. Self-maintenance!
I confide to my fortune, I conflate with my central self, I burn with passion for own work, I expand one's territory, I confiscate Islamic State's all domains. Be the most confident confidential self. Self-confluence!
I dig up my lives, turn up my historical life, dig out my inside, excavate one's innermost, heighten self, raise my unit, increase my being, improve own beings, plow one's field, cultivate own wilderness. Be the most wild-eyed self.
I finish up, finish off, finish doing, have the all at one's fingertips, re-lay one's mind, relax self, relent oneself, release my spirit, relaunch my existence, relegate own all contents, to my true form, completely, to one's fingertips. Be the most relevant finicky self. Self-relaxation! Self-relegation!