DEAR FRIENDS- When you are doing the self-loving and life-saving work of re-connecting to your body and coming out of emotional numbness and denial there will inevitably be periods of time where you are in constant inner pain.
Be reassured- you aren't "doing anything wrong" and you aren't "creating" the anguish that is ringing through you.
As a matter of fact- during these difficult stretches on your path to inner freedom being in pain means you are DOING IT RIGHT!
Because at last your emotional walls- built to save your sanity as an abused, misunderstood and mistreated child- are coming down.
And the fear and sadness and anger and guilt and shame of your Inner Child is finally coming forth to be lovingly recognized and totally released.
During the years I was I was setting myself free it was heavy- even terrifying at times- for me too!
I learned to be the "eye of the storm"- accepting everything I felt and keeping a thread of calm exactly because I "stayed in my body" and kept choosing to embrace whatever I was feeling, moment to moment.
There is an important change that occurs when we give up all fight against our painful state and learn to just accept it, observe it and be with it without resistance.
This heroic and compassionate practice is intrinsically calming ...... even when what we're being with is our fear !
So please remember that at times it is TOTALLY HEALTHY, HEALING AND NORMAL to live with painful and challenging inner states while you are on the way to fully and permanently letting them go.
There's a saying I like to use- "you can't let go of the pain until you fully have it".
So learn to "hold your pain" like you are a Loving Mother caring for her sick and suffering child.
Because in fact that will be precisely what you are doing!
The Unconditional Love you are sending yourself by being willing to stay in your emotional truth- moment-to- moment and day-to-day- heals and changes your life at the deepest and most primal level.
Because it forever shifts your relationship with YOU from one of self-rejection and self- escape to one of Unconditional Self-Connection and Acceptance!
And because you can bravely and tenderly "hold your pain" you have the intensity of contact with it that empowers you to fully express it during your Emotional Liberation practices!
By being the Eye of the Storm you become able to let the full lightning of your anger and rage be unleashed and the cleansing torrent of your tears rain down in full and final surrender.
And in this way the pain you've carried your entire life slowly and surely leaves you- never to return again.
And the Inner Sun of Happiness rises in the peaceful blue skies of your heart- forever bathing your body and soul with its anazng and inspiring light! LOTS OF LOVE-
P.S. This essay is about the necessary ability to "hold and stay with" your feelings. In the Notes section of my Timeline are many practices designed to help you express and release the pain you have learned to connect to and compassionately hold. Both of these "steps in the dance "- connecting/feeling/witnessing/holding your pain and passionately expressing and releasing it- are vitally necessary for the complete healing process. And the return to your joyful aliveness!