As you are aware last Friday a tentative agreement was reached between the ILWU and the PMA and the ILWU has agreed to go back to work and full speed.
It would appear that generally speaking the ports are operating in an efficient manner and progress is being made to clean up the backlog of containers that are currently plugging the ports up. Yang Ming has lifted the embargo on the port of Oakland which is promising. Some lines are still refusing to give out containers for WC shipments but hopefully that will work itself out in the near future.
Regretfully, most lines have announced that between mid March and April 1st most lines will be taking GRI’s.
20’s will go up $80-100
40’s will go up $150-200
I think these GRI’s will stick as we shippers have little options right now but to pay the rates until the problems in the WC are cleared up and the lines become hungry for biz again.