MEISEL, CHRISTIAN“Commercial” instruments specialised by Beare & Sons, London. Stradivarian modelling. Dark reddish varnish. Suitable for elementary students and school classes. Nicely matured wood. Structurally solid.-----------------------------------nachChristian MeiselViolinmacher in KlingenthalAnno 1924-----------------------------------MEISEL, FRIEDRICH WILHELMWorked at Klingenthal, 1769-1799. Instruments not to be classed with the best standards emanating from Saxony. Outline and arching conspicuously unattractive. Waist curves unreservedly inartistic. Long sound-holes equally distraught. Varnish appallingly dull. Everything utterly un-Italian, though he, with unblushing effrontery attempted to deceive the credulous public by means of ludicrous and nonsensical Latin that he worked at Cremona.------------------------------------Friedrich Wilhelm MeiselSitatuari Cremonalis baviebarAo 1770------------------------------------MEISEL, JOHANN GEORGWorked at Klingenthal, 1745-1790. Wandered to italy, and returned fully impressed with the Cremona models being superior to any other. Stradivarian outline with flat and medium arching. Some instruments have the principal traits of the Guadagnini minutely imitated. Workmanship not always justified in being termed neat. Excellent wood, often one-piece backs, also one-piece breasts. Yellow shade of varnish occasionally, but mostly light brown, also red-brown, sometimes fairly clear, but other times rather muddy. Tonal quality of ordinary standard, neither especially bright or sweet. £80, 1960.-----------------------------------Johann Georg MeiselViolinmacher in Khingenthal-----------------------------------(not dated)