Tybalt was about to draw out his sword when Lord Capulet stopped him. This is a ball, he said. We are here to have a good time. This young man is a Nontague, but he was behaved well. Tybalt, I command you: leave him alone! Tybalt was forced to obey his lord. But he swore to himself to get revenge on Romeo one day.
A few minutes later,Romeo went up to the beautiful young woman. He couldn't help himself. Now, the girl had not seen what had happened between Romeo and Tybalt, so she didn't know who Romeo was. Made bold by his mask,Romeo kissed the young lady's hand. He spoke brave words of love to her. But just then, the girl's mother called her away. Who is she?" Romeo asked the person standing next to him. Don't you know? Said his neighbor. That's Juliet, Lord Capulet's daughter.
Romeo was stunned. How could I be so unlucky? he thought to himself. But it was too late. He was already deeply in love with her.