"I think that the Prison SMART classes were very productive not only for the human body, but for the mind. It help me realize and find what was wrong with me and how to fix it. It also helped me find the centre of my being, how to calmed my self using a few tricks. I also think this is a program that should be taken by everyone that will soon be release to the street so that they too find a way to cope with this world that have treat us so bad."
- adult male, Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood, CO
"This class should be mandatory for all inmates. This experience has helped me heal my inner-self and the relationship that I have with my creator, by getting rid of all the negative things I was holding on to. There are places in my heart that are still closed, but this class has helped me realize this and I am now able to work through some of the pain."
- adult male, Grafton Correctional Institution, Grafton, OH
"I enjoyed my time here and I would like to return. It allowed me to relax my mind, as well as clear it, and build confidence that was hidden deep within I didn't know about. My times aren't the best right now, but I will strive on to survive. At one point in time in my life I wanted it to end, but as I concentrated and looked deep inside myself, I found vital value. There is a lot for me to live for. There is responsibilities I have to take care of; there is a lot for me to change for. Thank you for all you've done."
- 17 year old juvenile male, Challenger Memorial Youth Center, Lancaster, California
"The Prison SMART has been a healing experience for me. I can now look out from the inside and see the sense of strength, inner peace and new found wisdom of the breath. It is allowing me to trust and let other people be there for me. There is a feeling of power, a feeling of joy and excitement that comes from learning these new techniques. I like the woman I am finding in me."
- adult female, Northeast Pre-Release Center, Cleveland, OH
結果 (
日本語) 1:
参加者の声:「刑務所スマート クラス非常に生産的なないと思う人間の体、心の。実現して何が私と一緒に間違っていたとそれを修正する方法を見つける助けてください。また、私がされて、いくつかのトリックを使用して私の自己を沈静化する方法の中心を見つける助け。まただ、彼らはあまりにも悪く私たちの治療がこの世界に対処する方法を見つける通りにリリースはまもなくすべての人によって取られるべきプログラムです」-大人の男性、連邦矯正施設、イングルウッド、CO「このクラスがすべての収容者のために必須にする必要があります。この経験は、私の内的自己と関係するために持っていたすべての否定的なことを取り除く私の創作者を持つ癒す私を助けています。閉じたままで、私の心の場所があるが、このクラスはこの実現のために役立っている. 痛みのいくつかをすることは今」-成人男性、グラフトン矯正施設、グラフトン、オハイオ州「私はここに私の時間を楽しんだと私は戻りたいと思います。オフにすると同様、私の心をリラックスすることができました、私の奥深くに隠されていたビルド自信が知らなかった。私の時間今、最善ではないが、生き残るために努力するでしょう。1 つの時点で私の人生でそれを終了すると思ったが、集中し、自分自身の奥深くに見えた、重要な値を見つけた。私のために生きるがたくさんあります。世話をしている私の責任があります。変更する私のためにたくさんあります。ありがとうございました行ってきた」- 17 year old juvenile male, Challenger Memorial Youth Center, Lancaster, California "The Prison SMART has been a healing experience for me. I can now look out from the inside and see the sense of strength, inner peace and new found wisdom of the breath. It is allowing me to trust and let other people be there for me. There is a feeling of power, a feeling of joy and excitement that comes from learning these new techniques. I like the woman I am finding in me." - adult female, Northeast Pre-Release Center, Cleveland, OH