Rygaards School in Hellerup – the oldest international school in Denma翻訳 - Rygaards School in Hellerup – the oldest international school in Denma日本語言う方法

Rygaards School in Hellerup – the o

Rygaards School in Hellerup – the oldest international school in Denmark, which this year celebrated its 105th birthday – has an excellent reputation for academic excellence and nurturing the gifts and aspirations of the whole child.

“We have a completely contemporary feel and are the only school in Denmark that is a member of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) and is therefore fully accredited by a British inspectorate as well as a Danish one,” said Nigel Fossey, the head of Rygaards International Secondary School.

He said that his school has an excellent reputation in Copenhagen for high academic standards and that its students consistently achieve outstanding results in their examinations.

Truly international
Shirley Jacobsen, the head of Rygaards International Primary School, said that Rygaards is a truly international school with over 60 different nationalities represented in its student body.

“Although we are a Christian school, our student body embraces all faiths and cultures,” she said. “We believe that every child has the potential to transform the world. This is the guiding philosophy of the school’s founder.”

All about respect
Instruction at Rygaards encourages every child, regardless of age, gender, race or religion to show respect for each other and for the environment. The school’s basic values are reinforced through assemblies, educational trips and visiting speakers.

“Our school has a reputation for being a welcoming, warm community where both students and parents feel at home,” said Jacobsen. “We have experienced, enthusiastic teachers who prepare stimulating and enjoyable lessons. Our teachers get to know each child and create an inspiring learning atmosphere where each student is valued and is provided with aspirational learning opportunities.”

Rygaards’s location at an 18th century manor house surrounded by nature in Hellerup provides an inspirational home for 1,000 students who come from all over Denmark and around the world.

International involvement
The student body, which ranges in age from 4-16, is an integral part of the local and international educational community.

“We take part in COBIS events like the debate and poetry competitions,” said Fossey. “Starting next year, we will be taking part in the international Duke of Edinburgh Award.”

Within Denmark, he said that Rygaards takes part in the Catholic games and a range of sporting competitions within the Danish International Schools Network (DISN).

“Every year, we raise money for a particular project for other Assumption schools around the world,” added Jacobsen. “Last year, we funded a playground for a school in the Philippines, and some of our older students also help at the Mother Teresa Soup Kitchen for the homeless in Copenhagen.”
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
ヘレルプ-今年は、105 の誕生日を祝ったデンマーク最古の国際学校-Rygaards 学校は学術の卓越性と全体の子供の願望と贈り物の育成のための優秀な評判を持っています。"我々 完全に現代的な感触を持っているメンバーの評議会の英国インターナショナルの学校 (COBIS) でありイギリスの検査官としてデンマークの 1 によって完全に認定されて従ってデンマークの唯一の学校は"と述べた Nigel ・ フォッシー、頭 Rygaards 国際中等教育学校。彼は彼の学校は高い学術の標準のためコペンハーゲンの優秀な評判とその学生が試験で優秀な結果を一貫して達成することを言った。真の国際シャーリー ・ ヤコブセン、頭の Rygaards 国際小学校、Rygaards はその生体内で表される以上 60 異なる国籍を持つ真の国際学校と述べた。「我々 はキリスト教の学校、私たち学生の体を包含するすべての宗教と文化、」と彼女は言った。"我々 は信じてすべての子供を世界を変える可能性があります。"これは学校の創立者の理念です。すべての尊重についてRygaards で命令の年齢、性別、民族、お互いや環境のための敬意を示す宗教に関係なく、すべての子供を奨励しています。学校の基本的な値は、アセンブリ、教育旅行および訪問のスピーカーを通して補強されます。「私たちの学校は生徒と保護者が家庭で感じる居心地の良い、温かみのあるコミュニティであるという評判」ヤコブセンと言いました。「我々 が経験している刺激的で楽しいレッスンを準備する熱狂的な教師。私たちの教師知ってもらうそれぞれの子との雰囲気が感動的な学習各学生を重視し、提供されます野心的な学習機会。」ヘレルプの自然に囲まれて、18 世紀のマナーハウスで Rygaards の場所はデンマーク各地および世界中から来る 1,000 の学生の心に強く訴える家を提供します。国際的な取組み4-16 から年齢で及ぶ学生はローカルおよび国際教育社会の不可欠な部分です。・ フォッシーを言った「我々 に参加の議論や詩の大会のような COBIS イベント」。「来年から我々 参加する国際的なエジンバラ賞の公爵で.」デンマーク、内 Rygaards が関係しているカトリックのゲームやスポーツ大会デンマーク国際学校ネットワーク (DISN) 内での範囲と述べた。「毎年、資金を調達、世界の他の仮定の学校のための特定のプロジェクトの」ヤコブセンが追加されます。「昨年、我々 フィリピンでは、学校の遊び場を資金し、我々 それ以上の年齢の学生のいくつかはまたコペンハーゲンのホームレスのための母 Teresa スープ キッチンで助ける」
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Rygaards School in Hellerup – the oldest international school in Denmark, which this year celebrated its 105th birthday – has an excellent reputation for academic excellence and nurturing the gifts and aspirations of the whole child.

“We have a completely contemporary feel and are the only school in Denmark that is a member of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) and is therefore fully accredited by a British inspectorate as well as a Danish one,” said Nigel Fossey, the head of Rygaards International Secondary School.

He said that his school has an excellent reputation in Copenhagen for high academic standards and that its students consistently achieve outstanding results in their examinations.

Truly international
Shirley Jacobsen, the head of Rygaards International Primary School, said that Rygaards is a truly international school with over 60 different nationalities represented in its student body.

“Although we are a Christian school, our student body embraces all faiths and cultures,” she said. “We believe that every child has the potential to transform the world. This is the guiding philosophy of the school’s founder.”

All about respect
Instruction at Rygaards encourages every child, regardless of age, gender, race or religion to show respect for each other and for the environment. The school’s basic values are reinforced through assemblies, educational trips and visiting speakers.

“Our school has a reputation for being a welcoming, warm community where both students and parents feel at home,” said Jacobsen. “We have experienced, enthusiastic teachers who prepare stimulating and enjoyable lessons. Our teachers get to know each child and create an inspiring learning atmosphere where each student is valued and is provided with aspirational learning opportunities.”

Rygaards’s location at an 18th century manor house surrounded by nature in Hellerup provides an inspirational home for 1,000 students who come from all over Denmark and around the world.

International involvement
The student body, which ranges in age from 4-16, is an integral part of the local and international educational community.

“We take part in COBIS events like the debate and poetry competitions,” said Fossey. “Starting next year, we will be taking part in the international Duke of Edinburgh Award.”

Within Denmark, he said that Rygaards takes part in the Catholic games and a range of sporting competitions within the Danish International Schools Network (DISN).

“Every year, we raise money for a particular project for other Assumption schools around the world,” added Jacobsen. “Last year, we funded a playground for a school in the Philippines, and some of our older students also help at the Mother Teresa Soup Kitchen for the homeless in Copenhagen.”
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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