Dear Octorino,
Thank you so much for your mail.
1. About insurance for Mrs. Inaba, 1st one is for short period and third
one is for long term.
she went to Indonesia for trial before she started to live there.
The followings are the detail.
Description No.1: 5,070 for Mrs. Inaba 2/16/2016-3/19/2016
Descrption No.3: 127,920 for Mr. Inaba 5/9/2016-5/8/2017
Description No.3: 105,000 for Mrs. Inaba 5/2/2016-5/8/2017
If you need its evidence, please ask Inaba san and he will give it to you.
2. Could you please let me know when you can send money?
3. Could you please let me know why I need to separate the invoice into
two or issue new one with one invoice number?
We need to discuss a little more.
Thank you so much.
Best regards,