Proximity to the individual child and family-language and culture in a diverse community.
We are a 3 branch nursery located in two houses in two different locations in the city centre. Wilderness nursery, Kong Oscarsgate 55 and Wilderness nursery, avd. Birkebeineren in Birkebeinergaten 4. The nursery is owned and operated by Bergen municipality. Wilderness nursery, Kong Oscars Gate has two departments. A Department with 9 children from 0-4 years and 1 avd. with 18 children from 3-6 years. Wilderness nursery, avd. Birkebeineren is a base daycare with 25 children aged 0-6 years. Together we are approximately 52 children. Both projects are located right in the city centre and the city both use diligent mht. nature and culture.