CDRs will be used as glue within boxes
There is no economic justification for redesigning these modules
ICs, especially the several
CDR chips within, for the low
volumes of HSE in the first few years
Should share volume with 10GE
Some link types will have multiple 10G modules at one end
Therefore the 10G signals must be at the 10G line rate, and have
characteristics of a 10GBASE
R signal (statistically balanced etc)
Will pass correctly through a XFP or SFP+ module
Therefore the FEC must be in band
e.g. KR FEC ~1dB gain, to 7% FEC for ~3dBo gain
Payload might be ~9.3 G
/s/lane for 10G lanes
Compare WAN PHY rate: 9.58464*64/66 ~9.2942 G"b"/s
What's a "
": these payload numbers are somewhat squishy because
there is non
information (idles, preamble, FCS,...) in an Ethernet stream,
that could be removed if wished
25G line rate should be exactly 10 / 4 * 10.3125 GBd
Allowing simple 10:4 gearbox
Use gapped clock concept to keep the MAC speed at 100G or 40G, a
for lane markers
Some idles can be removed using an RS Deficit Idle Count