The basis for settlement work is the belief in the empowering effect of communality. In the settlement work, which covers the entire spectrum of life, we realise the ideals of equality and communality in practice. We create opportunities for survival, becoming whole and refreshment for all from the youngest to the oldest. We develop community centre activity, supported housing and communal forms of housing. We increase the richness of life and chances of making it through colleges, study groups and special education schools. We support new Finns in their integration, and native Finns to life in a multicultural Finland. In difficult life situations we offer crisis support, substance abuse rehabilitation, debt counselling, mediation and the services of Victim Support. We operate jointly with volunteer workers and professionals, from local needs, with and among people, in Finland and around the world.
“When someone cares, something new begins to sprout in people.” – Pentti Lemmetyinen, General Secretary