We: [names of ten Cardinals]  By the grace of God, Cardinals of the Ho翻訳 - We: [names of ten Cardinals]  By the grace of God, Cardinals of the Hoラテン語言う方法

We: [names of ten Cardinals] By th

We: [names of ten Cardinals]

By the grace of God, Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, and especially commissioned by the Holy Apostolic See as Inquisitors-General against heretical depravity in all of Christendom.

Whereas you, Galileo, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years, were denounced to this Holy Office in 1615 for holding as true the false doctrine taught by some that the sun is the center of the world and motionless and the earth moves even with diurnal motion; for having disciples to whom you taught the same doctrine; for being in correspondence with some German mathematicians about it; for having published some letters entitiled On Sunspots, in which you explained the same doctrine as true; for interpreting Holy Scripture according to your own meaning in response to objections based on Scripture which were sometimes made to you; and whereas later we received a copy of an essay in the form of a letter, which was said to have been written by you to a former disciple of yours and which in accordance with Copernicus's position contains various propositions against the authority and true meaning of Holy Scripture;

And whereas this Holy Tribunal wanted remedy the disorder and the harm which derived from it and which was growing to the detriment of the Holy Faith, by order of His Holiness and the Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lord Cardinals of this Supreme and Univesal Inquisition, the Assessor Theologians assessed the two propositions of the sun's stability and the earth's motions as follows:

That the sun is the center of the world and motionless is a proposition which is philosophically absurd and false, and formally heretical, for being explicitly contrary to Holy Scripture;

That the earth is neither the center of the world nor motionless but moves even with diurnal motion is philosophically equally absurd and false, and theologically at least erroneous in the Faith.

Whereas however we wanted to treat you with benignity at that time, it was decided at the Holy Congregation held in the presence of His Holiness on 25 Feb 1616 that the Most Eminent Lord Cardinal Bellarmine would order you to abandon this false opinion completely; that if you refused to do this, the Commissary of the Holy Office would give you an injunction to abandon this doctrine, not to teach it to others, not to defend it, and not to treat of it; and that if you did not acquiesce in this injunction, you should be imprisoned. To execute this decision, the following day at the palace of and in the presence of the above-mentioned Most Eminent Lord Cardinal Bellarmine, after beine informed and warned in a friendly way by the same Lord Cardinal, you were given an injunction by the then Father Commissary of the Holy Office in the presence of a notary and witnesses to the effect that you must completely abandon the said false opinion, and that in the future you could neither hold, nor defend, nor teach it in any way whatever, either orally or in writing; having promised to obey, you were dismissed.

Furthermore, in order to completely eliminate such a pernicious doctrine, and not let it creep any further to the great detriment of Catholic truth, the Holy Congregation of the Index issued a decree which prohibited books treating of sucy a doctrine and declared it false and wholly contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture.

And whereas a book has appeared here lately, printed in Florence last year, whose inscription showed that you were the author, the title being Dialogue by Galileo Galilei on the two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican; and whereas the Holy Congregation was informed that with the printing of this book the false opinion of the earth's motion and the sun's stability was being disseminated and taking hold more and more every day, the said book was diligently examined and found to violate explicitly the above-mentioned injunction given to you; for in the same book you have defended the said opinion already condemned and so declared to your face, although in the said book you try by means of various subterfuges to give the impression of leaving it undecided and labeled as probable; this is still a very serious error since there is no way an opinion declared and defined contrary to divine Scripture may be probable.

Therefore, by our order you were summoned to this Holy Office, where, examined under oath, you acknowledged the book as written and published by you. You confessed that about ten or twelve years ago after having been given the injunction mentioned above, you began writing the said book, and that then you asked for permission to print it without explaining to those who gave you such permission that you were under the injunction of not holding, defending, or teaching such a doctrine in any way whatever.

Likewise, you confessed that in several places the exposition of the said book is expressed in such a way that a reader could get the idea that the arguments given for the false side were effective enough to be capable of convincing, rather than being easy to refute. Your excuses for having committted an error, as you said so foreign from you intention, were that you had written in dialogue form, and everyone feels a natural satisfaction for one's own subtleties and showing oneself sharper than the average man by finding ingenious and apparently probable arguments even in favor of false propositions.

Having been given suitable terms to present your defense, you produced a certificate in the handwriting of the most Eminient Lord Cardinal Bellarmine, which you said you obtained to defend yourself from the calumnies of your enemies, who were claiming that you had abjured and had been punished by the Holy Office. This certificate says that you had neither abjured nor been punished, but only that you had been notified of the declaration made by His Holiness and published by the Holy Congregation of the Index, whose content is that the doctrine of the earth's motion and sun's stability is conterary to Holy Scripture and so can be neither defended nor held. Because this certificate does not contain the two phrases of the injunction, namely "to teach" and "in any way whatever," one is supposed to believe that in the course of fourteen or sixteen years you had lost any recollection of them, and that for this same reason you had been silent about the injunction when you applied for the license to publish the book. Furthermore, one is supposed to believe that you point out all of this not to excuse the error, but in order to have it attributed to conceited ambition rather than to malice. However, the said certificate you produced in your defense aggravates your case further since, while it says that the said opinion is contrary to Holy Scripture, yet you dared to treat of it, defend it, and show it as probable; nor are you helped by the license your artfully and cunningly extorted since you did not mention the injunction you were under.

Because we did not think you had said the whole truth about your intention, we deemed it necessary to proceed against you by a rigorous examination. Here you answered in a Catholic manner, though without prejudice to the above-mentioned matters confessed by you and deduced against you about your intention.

Therefore, having seen and seriously considered the merits of your case, together with the above-mentioned confessions and excuses and with any other reasonable matter worth seeing and considering, we have come to the final sentence against you given below.

Therefore, invoking the most Holy name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and his most glorious Mother, ever Virgin Mary; and sitting as a tribunal, with the advice and counsel of the Reverend Masters of Sacred Theology and the Doctors of both laws, our consultants; in this writen opinion we pronounce final judgment on the case pending before us between the Magnificent Carlo Sinceri, Doctor of both laws, and Prosecuting Attorney of this Holy Office, on one side, and you the above-mentioned Galileo Galilei, the culprit here present, examined, tried, and confessed as above, on the other side:

We say, pronounce, sentence, and declare that you, the above-mentioned Galileo, because of the things deduced in the trial and confessed by you as above, have rendered yourself according to this Holy Office vehemently suspected of heresy, namely of having held and believed a doctine which is false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture: that the sun is the center of the world and does not move from east to west, and the earth moves and is not the center of the world, and that one may hold and defend as probable an opinion after it has been declared and defined contrary to Holy Scripture. Consequently you have incurred all the censures and penalties imposed and promulgated by the sacred canons and all particular and general laws against such delinquents. We are willing to absolve you from them provided that first, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, in front of us you abjure, curse, and detest the above-mentioned errors and heresies, and every other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Church, in the manner and form we will prescribe to you.

Furthermore, so that this serious and pernicious error and transgression of yours does not remain completely unpunished, and so that you will be more cautious in the future and an example for others to abstain from similar crimes, we order that the book Dialogue by Galileo Galilei be prohibited by public edict.

We condemn you to formal imprisonment in this Holy Office at our pleasure. As a salutary penance we impose on you to recite the seven penitential Psalms once a week for the next three years. And we reserve the authority to moderate, change, or condone wholly or in part the above-mentioned penalties and penances.

This we say, pronounce, sente
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Nos: [nomina cardinalium decem]

per gratiam Dei, Cardinalibus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae et praesertim sanctae sedis apostolicae legatus a communi tamquam inquisitoribus haereticae pravitatis in omnibus Christiani orbis.
Tuque, Galileo, Vincentius filius quondam Galilei, Florentinus, aetatis septuagesimo aetatisIn id sacerdotium deferente tenendi sunt MDCXV doctrinam falsi pro vero quod a centro mundi Sol motu diurno etiam motu movetur terra, cui se discipulis ostendit in eadem doctrina, quod sit correspondentia Germanos circum mathematici illam: nam qui edita litteris entitiled in sunspots,in quo eandem doctrinam veram interpretationem tuam sacram Scripturam iuxta eum sensum, aliquando responsio ad obiecta, quae ex Scriptura vos autem postea receptum est exemplar epistulae in forma artis,quae feruntur scripta, ut olim discipulus tuus et iuxta Copernicum positionem habens huiusmodi quae in potestate et veritatem sacrae Scripturae,

et cum sancto tribunali velit remedium morbo et mali inde gliscere et sanctae fidei detrimento,iussu sanctitate Eminentissimi ac reverendissimi domini cardinales Huic summo univesal perscrutantes, assessor theologi attenditur secundum duo Solis stabilitate terrae motus ita
quod sol sit centrum mundi et immotum est propositio quae est absurdissimum et falsum philosophice, formaliter haereticam,Sacra Scriptura expresse contrarium esse, neque terra
motu agit aut etiam centrum mundi philosophi motum diurnum pariter est falsum et absurdum est, pertinentes ad minus erronea in fide. Cum autem benignitas volebamus tradere vobis
In illo tempore:tenuit placitum in conspectu sanctae congregationi in sanctitate Cardinalis Bellarmini XXV Sep MDCXVI Eminentissime Domine, si iussus est ab hac omnino falsam opinionem: quod si non fecerit, si Commissarius Sancti Officii idque tibi ab hac doctrina, non docere alios, non defendere, non exponere;si non acquiescat, et praecepti, ut custodiam. hoc facere iudicium, et postero die in conspectu domus Domini supra eminentissimi cardinalis Bellarminus, cum cognitum beine domini cardinalis ab eodem monitus, amice,Tum pater commissarius idque a te sunt et in presentia mei notarii et testium S. Officii ad hoc dicendum quod omnino falsum sentire relinquere, tenere et postero nec non defendit nec docent quoquo modo factum aut ore aut litteris promiserat obedire, dimissa es.
Porrout tanta pernicies prorsus eliminetur, alia magno detrimento ne serpant catholicam veritatem, quam decretum S. Congregationis Index librorum prohibitorum doctrina et quae de se ipso falsum prorsus contra sucy Divina et sancta scriptura. Apparuit autem hic liber
nuper excusum anno Florentiae,suprascriptio talem te authorem, nomen esse sermonem a Galileo Galilei duobus principibus mundi systematibus, Ptolemaei et copernican et cum sanctae congregationi nuntiatum est adipiscing huius falsam opinionem, terrae motus, et et adprehendens disseminata esse stabile solis et id magis in dies,et inveni librum esse diligens inquisitio de praedictis aperte praeceptum violare tibi enim dixit sententiam defendit, si in eodem libro exposuit, condemnato iam et ora per experiri licet in dicto libro dare impressionem subterfugia varia dubia et relinquentes eam ad intitulatum ut probabilem,hoc est maximum peccatum, et quia locutus est non esse contrarium divinae Scripturae sententiam probabiliorem.
Ergo hoc vocati estis, ut a S. Officii, ubi quaestiones iuramentum, recognita et edita sunt scripta in libro tuo. qui confitetur tibi post annos decem aut duodecim datis supra dicto,librum scriptum coepisti, et quod tunc non petistis facultatem imprimendi exponens illud quod sub his qui te talem licentiam non habere praeceptum, deffendere vel qualitercumque tali doctrina doctrina.
Itemqui confitetur tibi librum expositio in pluribus locis, ut lector non exprimitur fias satis efficaces rationes ad partem falsam esse credi possit, quam quod facile est solvere. excusantes errorem committted cum vestra, sicut dixit vobis ita et vos a foris intentio, quod scriptum esset in forma dialogi,et quisque sentit suae naturae satisfactionem subtilitates et ostendentes se acrius quam mediocris hominis inventio bonae indolis et videtur probabiliter etiam pro falsis propositionibus.
Dato congruo ad terminos tuos defensionem exhibere, in testimonium vobis producitur chirographum maxime eminient domini cardinalis Bellarminus,quo pollicitus es te impetrari a calumniis inimicorum defenderet, qui se dicentes punitum, ut S. Officii abiuraverat. neque hoc ipsum dicit, puniri neque negauit, sed quod indicium esset cognita sanctitate index edidit S. Congregationis,cuius doctrinam id est stabilitas terrae motu solis sacris literis et conterary neque defenditur neque haberi potest. Duae sententiae non continet ipsum quia praeceptum quod "docere" et "quoquo modo," Credo in unum ponitur inter annos XIIII et perdidisti omnem memoriam eorum,propter hoc super te tacuisse et, cum interdictum esset de licentia in posterum edere librum. Praeterea putant id non credas te ostendunt omnes excusare peccatum, sed propter malitiam quam habet attribuitur formae gloria. tamen in dicto libello vos vestram defensionem aggravat tua causa producta longius, quoniam,dum scriptura sancta dicit quod opinio tamen exponere ausus defendere eam, ut probabilem exhibere, nec tua te iuvit licentia expressa vario et arte tibi quoniam non de dicto sub illa erant.
Putas quia non omnis veritas dixit placent,, necesse jam videbatur, per duram versus elit. Vestibulum catholice dixit, salva tamen et supra res deducetur ad confitendum tibi placent.
Itaque visis et diligenter advertit merita causaeet cum causas praedictas alia rationabilis causa confessionis videnda sunt et ista, quae infra te venimus sententiam definitivam.
Itaque invocant nomen Domini nostri Jesu Christi et eius sanctissimae matris gloriosae semper Virginis Mariae, sedens pro tribunali,cum consilio atque consilio reverendorum magistrorum sacra theologia doctores iuris utriusque nostrum, Consultores, in hanc sententiam pronuntiare writen finali iudicio in causa coram nobis pendentibus inter magnificos Carlo sinceri, doctor utriusque iuris, et persequi attornatum Officium sancti, ex una parte, et praedicto Galileo Galilei, in iisque adstantibus, habita quæstione,probatum, fatebatur, ut supra, et ex altera parte
dicimus, pronuntiamus sententia, ut dicam tibi de quibus supra Galilaei prae confitendum tibi super omnia, et in iudicium deducta, qua servivi tibi S. Officii ad hoc vehementer suspectus de haeresi, quae credidit, et, cum annos doctine quod falsum est et contra divinam et sacram scripturam:quod sol sit centrum mundi, non movetur ab oriente in occidentem, et in terra in centro mundi non movet, alterum uero sententiam teneat et defendat dictum et probabiliter esse contraria sacra scriptura.Ita omnes censuras et penas incurrisse, et singulis et universis generaliter promulgatis legibus et sacris canonibus contra delinquentes. primum te absolvo ab eis si vere volumus cum vero corde et fide non ficta, abiurare pro nobis, ait, oderunt supra errores et haereses,et omnem errorem et heresim contra catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam, modo et forma in vobis erit statuere.
Porro, quod ista transgressio gravis et perniciosus error omnino non remaneat impunitum, ita erit et in posterum cautior simile exemplum aliis sceleribus se abstinere,mandamus quod libri Dialogus by Galileo Galilei publico edicto prohibetur.
Damnamus vobis in carcerem ut formale huius sancti officii nostri delectationis. pro nobis salutarem poenitentiam imponere vobis dicere ad triennium semel in septimana septem Psalmos poenitentiales. et reservamus potestatem moderandi, mutare, aut totum aut pars praedictam concedi poenitentiam poenae.
Dicimus, pronunciamus misit
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