has started in the year 2007 with a vision to foster education to the underprivileged and the downtrodden with special interest to cater to the disabled or the differently able people of the society at par with the normal children. We are situated in Kohima, Nagaland which is in the far North east of India.
The school is a pilot project which started with a humbled beginning of 25 students among which 3 were differently able in an inclusive set up . The school has received its permission from the state board NBSE and therefore upgraded to class 10 since 2013 onwards. The main thrust is to emphasis on education so that the disabled children of our society receive the 5% job reservation which the government has reserve for them. Therefore the need to equip the disabled children with the other normal children was the main focus. This also brings in a healthy environment to have empathy and acceptance from the normal children and gives an equal platform to receive education without any bias.