Articulate product and service offerings, key benefits and messages for use by sales and
Work with Consulting and Sales to cultivate reference accounts for products and services; identify
client success stories and work with marketing to create appropriate case studies and collateral
Create compelling marketing campaigns using strategies we encourage our clients to use to
showcase our abilities to produce results (leads) - our clients use similar strategies to raise funds
Drive campaign management for client acquisition programs across multiple channels
Create content for corporate marketing collateral, website/blog/social media, and other initiatives
Provide assistance on press releases, contributed articles, presentations, events, and
Internal reporting and other duties as assigned
Lead Generation & Sales Enablement
Create effective, compelling positioning, messaging, and sales tools that are understood and
Stays abreast of market trends to drive topics for client webinar and whitepaper strategies
Create sales-ready tools, including market-facing presentation content to be used by Sales to
highlight benefits of our services to our clients.
Execute marketing campaigns and analyze performance that leverage behavioral interest
profiling to drive new client acquisition & sales revenue
Project management
Responsible for all aspects of projects, including: meeting deadlines, time management,
contingency planning, approval channels and procedures, budgeting, campaign analysis, and
tracking / monitoring procedures
Establish and articulate project scope, strategy and objectives to internal clients, production team
and key leadership
Manage creative production of online and offline marketing assets, graphic design, video
production and web development, from the initial concept to finished product and execution
結果 (
インドネシア語) 1:
Marketing Articulate product and service offerings, key benefits and messages for use by sales andmarketing Work with Consulting and Sales to cultivate reference accounts for products and services; identifyclient success stories and work with marketing to create appropriate case studies and collateral Create compelling marketing campaigns using strategies we encourage our clients to use toshowcase our abilities to produce results (leads) - our clients use similar strategies to raise funds Drive campaign management for client acquisition programs across multiple channels Create content for corporate marketing collateral, website/blog/social media, and other initiatives Provide assistance on press releases, contributed articles, presentations, events, andconferences Internal reporting and other duties as assignedLead Generation & Sales Enablement Create effective, compelling positioning, messaging, and sales tools that are understood andused Stays abreast of market trends to drive topics for client webinar and whitepaper strategies Create sales-ready tools, including market-facing presentation content to be used by Sales tohighlight benefits of our services to our clients. Execute marketing campaigns and analyze performance that leverage behavioral interestprofiling to drive new client acquisition & sales revenueProject management Responsible for all aspects of projects, including: meeting deadlines, time management,contingency planning, approval channels and procedures, budgeting, campaign analysis, andtracking / monitoring procedures Establish and articulate project scope, strategy and objectives to internal clients, production teamand key leadership Manage creative production of online and offline marketing assets, graphic design, videoproduction and web development, from the initial concept to finished product and execution

結果 (
インドネシア語) 2:
produk dan layanan Mengartikulasikan persembahan, manfaat utama dan pesan untuk digunakan oleh penjualan dan
Bekerja dengan Consulting dan Penjualan untuk menumbuhkan account referensi untuk produk dan jasa; mengidentifikasi
kisah sukses klien dan bekerja dengan pemasaran untuk menciptakan studi kasus yang tepat dan jaminan
Buat kampanye pemasaran yang menarik menggunakan strategi kami mendorong klien kami gunakan untuk
menampilkan kemampuan kami untuk menghasilkan hasil (lead) - klien kami menggunakan strategi yang sama untuk mengumpulkan dana
drive kampanye manajemen untuk program akuisisi klien di beberapa saluran
Buat konten untuk pemasaran perusahaan agunan, website / blog / media sosial, dan inisiatif lainnya
Memberikan bantuan pada siaran pers, kontribusi artikel, presentasi, acara, dan
pelaporan internal dan tugas lainnya yang diberikan
Lead Generation & Penjualan Pemberdayaan
Buat efektif, menarik positioning, pesan, dan alat-alat penjualan yang dipahami dan
Tetap mengikuti tren pasar untuk mendorong topik untuk webinar klien dan strategi whitepaper
Buat alat penjualan-siap, termasuk konten presentasi menghadap pasar untuk digunakan oleh Penjualan untuk
menyoroti manfaat dari layanan kami kepada klien kami.
Jalankan kampanye pemasaran dan menganalisis kinerja yang memanfaatkan perilaku bunga
profiling untuk mendorong akuisisi klien & penjualan baru
manajemen proyek
Bertanggung jawab untuk semua aspek proyek, termasuk: tenggat waktu pertemuan, manajemen waktu,
perencanaan kontingensi, saluran dan prosedur persetujuan, penganggaran, analisis kampanye, dan
pelacakan / pemantauan prosedur
Membangun dan lingkup proyek mengartikulasikan, strategi dan tujuan untuk klien internal, tim produksi
dan kepemimpinan kunci
Mengelola produksi kreatif aset pemasaran online dan offline , desain grafis, video
produksi dan pengembangan web, dari konsep awal sampai produk jadi dan eksekusi