29,June/2009 10:00 Issue of healing session is similar to yesterday (M翻訳 - 29,June/2009 10:00 Issue of healing session is similar to yesterday (Mリトアニア語言う方法

29,June/2009 10:00 Issue of healing

29,June/2009 10:00
Issue of healing session is similar to yesterday
(Mitsuki) "command of entire healing, that is , to do purification of spirit ,psychic and physical body .
Command of healing of chill, headache and little lame to type mail by hands.
I made command separately of right breast, lung, liver, and cancer tumors of left head."
'I order to remove cancer cells and to replace by healthy cells, now soon so that all cells become healthy cells, and client become free from cancer.
I order to go out water accumulated in lungs by ride on physical circulation.
I order to grow up hair on head soon.
I order to adjust balance of bone of scapula.
I order to erase numbness of hands and feet and to activate and recover functions of nerve cells of part of brain related numbness.
I order to adjust deformation of waist and normalize balance.
Then I added chakra clearing.
I order to remove of blocks of energy from first chakra to seventh chakra.
(Total 30 minutes)

(Client) "I think that treatment continues now without noticing end of treatment.
I have dashed to toilet as usual.
Detox by defecateempty is so much this time.
Surprised occurrence has happened, which I wanted to take video and to show you.
Even now tingling sensation has remained.
Just when subtle energy comes up from top of both feet and soles, unspeakable tingling continued long time in left side,
mass of subtle energy comes up on right leg,
strong energy which was ticklish was felt eyebrows,
after this head was shaken left and right so long.
Then top of head became warm and whole head was felt itchy and felt comfortable in part of bald.
Throat was felt to become swell in good meaning.
At last I felt pulling force to top of nose.
Right chin became itchy ,then left chin became itchy and I feel subtle energy on face now.
Your rest time has delayed.
I feel very happy.
Thank you.

29,June/2009, 22 o'clock
(Client) "I always thanks.
Headache and chills became better in one day.
Today I have noticed first time that spine in center of bones of scapula has projection
I was surprised to touch projection and surprised again to look in mirror.
Deform of twist became well."

I had session without knowing about projection of spine.
I did session about only project of spine.

6/30 (Tue) from 3:50 to 4:17.
(the client)Thank you.
I receive subtle energy from sole of foot.
I feel tingling sensation as flow of subtle energy.
At first feeling of ticklish and lazy came up from right hand,then same feeling came up from left foot.
After that I felt sleepy and fell asleep.

( reply mail from client to be asked physical condition by Mitsuki)
(Client) After last session, I noticed various things.
Way of subtle energy was unbalanced from left leg to right waist.
From this I noticed waist misalignment.
Then I noticed projection of curve of spine which I did not feel.
Gradually my physical condition have become better.
In this phase projection of spine is my problem when staying in bed.

(Mitsuki) "Problem is that spine between scapular has projection.
I will have conscious of projection of spine erased.
To clear stagnant of 12 meridians.
Does it O.K to stop healing of cancer of head, breast, liver and lung,.
How about water in lungs?
Today is healing theme just projection of spine and flow of subtle energy of meridians?
Of course total healing of whole body is done.

(client)" Water in lungs is remained still. thank you"

(Mitsuki) "O.K. I will do about aura, bone protrusions, chakra and meridian , lung water and healing force to total body."
(total 23 minutes)

Answer of client was simple.
It seemed very sleepy myself, too.
(Client) "Thank you .
My body has become very relaxing, comfortable.
I am sleepy,
thank you"

(Mituki)I asked about water in lungs because image of lung water going out as urine was seen in session.

(Client) "Last night there was frequent urination ,
thank you very much"

(Client) "Always thanks very much,
Spine projecting become better by stretching or twisting waist gradually.
Water in lungs is very worried now, which comes up smelling odor.'

(Mitsuki) 'good evening
If you are O.K. now , I will begin.
Main theme is lung water.
At first, to do clearing of spirit, psychic and physical body.
And to do purify of toxins of body.
Then I have consciousness that water accumulating in lungs goes out from body and you recover health body.
And I have consciousness that balance of whole body and atoms, molecules, cells, organs improve in healing force from heaven."

7/11 (SAT)
Report of physical condition of client.
(Client) ", condition of lungs become better.
From start of healing session, I felt moving of water in lungs.
Now breath become so good.
I can do deep breathing.
Numbness of hands and feet continues,
I feel signs of becoming good.
Finally, tomorrow I come back to my home.
Every day I will effort to stretch of waist and spain.
In addition,
I feel so thanks to your help and always watching over,
thank you."

7/12 session time 13 mitutes
(Client) 'left wait is very lazy and I cannot make power in."
Healing command is as follows.
(Mitsuki) ' (1) to clear spirit, psychological and physical body.
(B) to make better flow of blood in capillaries of hands and feet so that numbness disappear.
(3) to strengthen nerves of hands and feet so that numbness disappears. (4) to clear flow of subtle energy of 14 meridians.
(E) to clear chakras.
(6) to pour healing force to whole body from heaven."

(Client) " hands and feet were felt itching.
Energy from heavens have made open chakra of forehead.
Warm round ball of subtle energy appears in point below navel and come up throat chakra.
This is amazing experience for me.
Thank you for appreciation today also. "

7/19 (SAT)
(Client) ' I am busy to do rehabilitation work, neglecting to see mail of handy phone.
I am sorry.
Since then, I understood how to normalize my body.
My health becomes well more and more, day by day.
so is interesting, neglecting other things, sorry "

7/20 (Sun)
This is reply of asking of publishing this record in H.P.
(Client) "everything in my whole story is remembered..
Wow, I think even now.
I hope that many people understand my experience."

(Mitsuki) 'I thanks to do healing activities and I can have confidence in healing."

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (リトアニア語) 1: [コピー]
29, 2009 birželio 10:00 Klausimas gydymo sesijos yra panašus į vakar (Mitsuki) "komanda visą gydymo, t. y. daryti valymo Dvasios, psichikos ir fizinio kūno. Komanda gydymo ir poilsio, galvos skausmas ir mažai chromo, įveskite pašto rankas. Aš padariau komandą atskirai dešinės krūties, plaučių, kepenų ir vėžio navikų kairėje galvos." "Aš, kad pašalinti vėžines ląsteles ir pakeisti iš sveikų ląstelių, dabar greičiau, kad visos ląstelės tampa sveikų ląstelių, ir klientas be nuo vėžio. Aš užsisakyti išeiti vandens sukaupti plaučius važiuoti į fizinio judėjimo. Aš kad greičiau augti plaukai ant galvos. Aš siekiant koreguoti balansą, mentės kaulų. Aš, kad ištrinti tirpimas, rankų ir kojų ir įjungti ir atkurti funkcijos nervų ląstelių ir smegenų dalis, susijusias tirpimas. Aš siekiant reguliuoti juosmens deformacijos ir normalizuoti pusiausvyrą. Tada aš pridėjo chakra Tarpuskaita. Aš siekiant pašalinti blokų energijos iš pirmoje chakra Septintoji čakra. (Iš viso 30 minučių) (Klientas) "Manau, kad gydymas ir toliau dabar be pastebiu gydymo pabaigoje. Aš turiu padalinti tualetą kaip įprasta. Detox iš defecateempty yra tiek daug šiuo metu. Nustebinti įvykis nutiko, kurios norėjau imtis vaizdo ir parodyti jums. Dar dabar išliko dilgčiojimo pojūtis. Tik tada, kai subtilus energijos ateina iš viršaus pėdos ir padai, neapsakomas dilgčiojimas tęsėsi ilgai kairėje pusėje, dešinės kojos, pasirodo masė, subtilios energijos stiprus energijos, kuri buvo įžeidus buvo jaučiamas antakiai, Šis vadovas buvo suplakti į kairę ir dešinę taip ilgai. Tada galvos viršaus tapo šiltas ir visa galva buvo jaučiamas niežėjimas ir Jaučiausi patogiai iš dalies, plikas. Skausmas buvo manoma, kad tapti bangavimas gera prasme. Pagaliau pajutau Traukos jėga į viršų ir nosį. Teisę smakro tapo niežulys, tada kairėje smakro tapo niežulys ir manau subtilios energijos ant veido dabar. Jūsų poilsio laiko buvo atidėtos. Jaučiuosi labai laimingas. ačiū. 29, / 2009, birželio 22 val (Klientas) "Aš visada ačiū. Galvos skausmas, šaltkrėtis tapo geriau per vieną dieną. Šiandien aš pastebėjau, pirmą kartą kad stuburo kaulų mentės centras turi projekcija Aš buvau nustebęs, kad paliesti projekcija ir nustebinti dar kartą žiūrėti į veidrodį. Deformuoti Tvist tapo gerai. " Aš turėjau sesijos nežinant apie stuburo projekcija. Aš sesija apie tik projekto stuburo. 6/30 (antradienį) nuo 3:50-4:17. (klientas)ačiū. Gaunu subtilios energijos iš vienintelis iš snukio. Aš pajusti dilgčiojimo pojūtis kaip subtilus energijos tekėjimą. Iš pradžių įžeidus ir tingus atėjo iš dešinės rankos, tada pats jausmas atėjo iš kaire koja. Po to aš jaučiausi mieguistas ir užmigo. 7/5( atsakyti pašto kliento Vestfalijos fizinės būklės Mitsuki)(Klientas) Po paskutinės sesijos, aš pastebėjau, įvairių dalykų. Subtilus energiją buvo nesubalansuota iš kairės kojos dešinės juosmens. Iš to aš pastebėjau juosmens poslinkis. Tada aš pastebėjau projekcija kreivės stuburo, I didn't feel. Palaipsniui mano fizinė būklė tampa geriau. Šiame etape stuburo projekcija yra mano problema, kai būna lovoje. (Mitsuki) "Problema ta, kad stuburo tarp scapular yra projekcija. Aš sąmoningai projekcija stuburo ištrinami. Aiškus sustingęs iš 12 meridianų. Tai gerai nutraukti gydymo vėžio galvos, krūties, kepenų ir plaučių. Kaip apie vandens į plaučius? Šiandien yra gydymo tema tik projekcija stuburo ir subtilus energijos dienovidinius tekėjimą? Žinoma bendras viso kūno gijimą daroma. (kliento) "vandens į plaučius yra liko dar. Ačiū" (Mitsuki) "OK Aš apie aura, kaulų išsikišimų, chakra ir dienovidinio, plaučių vandens ir gydomųjų viso kūno jėga." (viso 23 minučių) Kliento atsakymas buvo paprastas. Jis atrodė labai mieguistas save, per daug. (Klientas) "Thank you. Mano kūnas tapo labai atsipalaiduoti, patogiai. Aš mieguistas, Ačiū" (Mituki)Aš paklausė apie vandens į plaučius, nes vaizdas plaučių vandens išeina, šlapimas buvo pristatoma sesija. (Klientas) "Vakar vakare nebuvo dažnas šlapinimasis, Thank you very much" 7/6 (Klientas) "Visada Ačiū labai labai, Stuburo projektavimas tapti geresnis tempimo arba sukimo juosmens palaipsniui. Vandens į plaučius yra labai susirūpinęs dabar, kuris pasirodo kvapo kvapas. " (Mitsuki) "Labas vakaras Jei esate gerai dabar, bus pradėti. Pagrindinė tema yra plaučių vandens. Iš pradžių, tai iš Dvasios, psichikos ir fizinio kūno. Ir išvalyti toksinus iš kūno. Tada aš turiu sąmonės kad vanduo į plaučius išeina iš kūno ir atgausite sveikatos institucija. Ir aš turiu sąmonės kad pusiausvyrą visą kūną ir atomų, molekulių, ląstelių, organų pagerinti gydymo nuo dangaus." 7/11 (ŠEŠTADIENIS) Ataskaita apie kliento fizinę būklę. (Klientas) ", plaučių būklė tampa geriau. Nuo gydymo sesijos, aš jaučiausi juda vandens į plaučius. Dabar kvėpavimas tampa taip gerai. Aš galiu padaryti gilus kvėpavimas. Tirpimas rankose ir kojų ir toliau, Aš jaustis požymiai tapti gera. Pagaliau, rytoj aš grįšiu į mano namus. Kiekvieną dieną aš pastangų ištiesti juosmens ir Ispanija. be to Jaučiuosi taip dėka jūsų pagalbos ir visada žiūri Ačiū." 7/12 sesijos metu 13 mitutes (Klientas) "kairėje laukti yra labai tingus ir aš negaliu padaryti įtaką." Gydymo komandos yra tokia. (Mitsuki) "(1) išvalyti dvasia, psichologinį ir fizinį kūną. (B) kad geriau kraujo tekėjimą į kapiliarus, rankas ir kojas, kad tirpimas išnyksta. (3) siekiant sustiprinti nervus, rankų ir kojų, kad tirpimas praeina. (4) išvalyti srauto subtilus energijos 14 meridianus. (E) išvalyti čakrų. (6) pour gijimo dienos į kūną iš dangaus." (Klientas) "rankų ir kojų buvo jaučiamas niežėjimas. Energijos iš dangaus padarė atidaryti chakra, kaktos. Šilto raundą kamuolys subtilus energijos atsiranda punkte žemiau bambos ir parengti gerklės čakra. Tai yra nuostabi patirtis man. Ačiū už įvertinimą šiandien taip pat. " 7/19 (ŠEŠTADIENIS) (Klientas) "Aš užsiėmęs daryti rekultivavimo darbus, paniekos pamatyti pašto patogus telefonas. atsiprašau. Nuo tada aš supratau, kaip normalizuoti savo kūno. Mano sveikata tampa ir daugiau ir daugiau, dieną. Tai ypač įdomu, nepaneigia kitų dalykų, atsiprašau " 7/20 (sekmadienis) Tai yra atsakyti prašyti paskelbti šį įrašą į HP (Klientas) "viskas mano visą istoriją prisimena... Wow, aš manau, kad net ir dabar. Tikiuosi, kad daugelis žmonių supranta mano patirtis." (Mitsuki) "Aš Ačiū daryti gydymo veiklos ir aš gali pasitikėti gijimą."
結果 (リトアニア語) 2:[コピー]

29,June/2009 10:00
Issue of healing session is similar to yesterday
(Mitsuki) "command of entire healing, that is , to do purification of spirit ,psychic and physical body .
Command of healing of chill, headache and little lame to type mail by hands.
I made command separately of right breast, lung, liver, and cancer tumors of left head."
'I order to remove cancer cells and to replace by healthy cells, now soon so that all cells become healthy cells, and client become free from cancer.
I order to go out water accumulated in lungs by ride on physical circulation.
I order to grow up hair on head soon.
I order to adjust balance of bone of scapula.
I order to erase numbness of hands and feet and to activate and recover functions of nerve cells of part of brain related numbness.
I order to adjust deformation of waist and normalize balance.
Then I added chakra clearing.
I order to remove of blocks of energy from first chakra to seventh chakra.
(Total 30 minutes)

(Client) "I think that treatment continues now without noticing end of treatment.
I have dashed to toilet as usual.
Detox by defecateempty is so much this time.
Surprised occurrence has happened, which I wanted to take video and to show you.
Even now tingling sensation has remained.
Just when subtle energy comes up from top of both feet and soles, unspeakable tingling continued long time in left side,
mass of subtle energy comes up on right leg,
strong energy which was ticklish was felt eyebrows,
after this head was shaken left and right so long.
Then top of head became warm and whole head was felt itchy and felt comfortable in part of bald.
Throat was felt to become swell in good meaning.
At last I felt pulling force to top of nose.
Right chin became itchy ,then left chin became itchy and I feel subtle energy on face now.
Your rest time has delayed.
I feel very happy.
Thank you.

29,June/2009, 22 o'clock
(Client) "I always thanks.
Headache and chills became better in one day.
Today I have noticed first time that spine in center of bones of scapula has projection
I was surprised to touch projection and surprised again to look in mirror.
Deform of twist became well."

I had session without knowing about projection of spine.
I did session about only project of spine.

6/30 (Tue) from 3:50 to 4:17.
(the client)Thank you.
I receive subtle energy from sole of foot.
I feel tingling sensation as flow of subtle energy.
At first feeling of ticklish and lazy came up from right hand,then same feeling came up from left foot.
After that I felt sleepy and fell asleep.

( reply mail from client to be asked physical condition by Mitsuki)
(Client) After last session, I noticed various things.
Way of subtle energy was unbalanced from left leg to right waist.
From this I noticed waist misalignment.
Then I noticed projection of curve of spine which I did not feel.
Gradually my physical condition have become better.
In this phase projection of spine is my problem when staying in bed.

(Mitsuki) "Problem is that spine between scapular has projection.
I will have conscious of projection of spine erased.
To clear stagnant of 12 meridians.
Does it O.K to stop healing of cancer of head, breast, liver and lung,.
How about water in lungs?
Today is healing theme just projection of spine and flow of subtle energy of meridians?
Of course total healing of whole body is done.

(client)" Water in lungs is remained still. thank you"

(Mitsuki) "O.K. I will do about aura, bone protrusions, chakra and meridian , lung water and healing force to total body."
(total 23 minutes)

Answer of client was simple.
It seemed very sleepy myself, too.
(Client) "Thank you .
My body has become very relaxing, comfortable.
I am sleepy,
thank you"

(Mituki)I asked about water in lungs because image of lung water going out as urine was seen in session.

(Client) "Last night there was frequent urination ,
thank you very much"

(Client) "Always thanks very much,
Spine projecting become better by stretching or twisting waist gradually.
Water in lungs is very worried now, which comes up smelling odor.'

(Mitsuki) 'good evening
If you are O.K. now , I will begin.
Main theme is lung water.
At first, to do clearing of spirit, psychic and physical body.
And to do purify of toxins of body.
Then I have consciousness that water accumulating in lungs goes out from body and you recover health body.
And I have consciousness that balance of whole body and atoms, molecules, cells, organs improve in healing force from heaven."

7/11 (SAT)
Report of physical condition of client.
(Client) ", condition of lungs become better.
From start of healing session, I felt moving of water in lungs.
Now breath become so good.
I can do deep breathing.
Numbness of hands and feet continues,
I feel signs of becoming good.
Finally, tomorrow I come back to my home.
Every day I will effort to stretch of waist and spain.
In addition,
I feel so thanks to your help and always watching over,
thank you."

7/12 session time 13 mitutes
(Client) 'left wait is very lazy and I cannot make power in."
Healing command is as follows.
(Mitsuki) ' (1) to clear spirit, psychological and physical body.
(B) to make better flow of blood in capillaries of hands and feet so that numbness disappear.
(3) to strengthen nerves of hands and feet so that numbness disappears. (4) to clear flow of subtle energy of 14 meridians.
(E) to clear chakras.
(6) to pour healing force to whole body from heaven."

(Client) " hands and feet were felt itching.
Energy from heavens have made open chakra of forehead.
Warm round ball of subtle energy appears in point below navel and come up throat chakra.
This is amazing experience for me.
Thank you for appreciation today also. "

7/19 (SAT)
(Client) ' I am busy to do rehabilitation work, neglecting to see mail of handy phone.
I am sorry.
Since then, I understood how to normalize my body.
My health becomes well more and more, day by day.
so is interesting, neglecting other things, sorry "

7/20 (Sun)
This is reply of asking of publishing this record in H.P.
(Client) "everything in my whole story is remembered..
Wow, I think even now.
I hope that many people understand my experience."

(Mitsuki) 'I thanks to do healing activities and I can have confidence in healing."

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