A lesson a learned in life .. When no one wants to let you in their wo翻訳 - A lesson a learned in life .. When no one wants to let you in their wo日本語言う方法

A lesson a learned in life .. When

A lesson a learned in life .. When no one wants to let you in their world , No one wants to help you .. you must CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD , with your own tools to survive , your own weapons and the will to move forward through thick and thin , in other words if the door is closed , break it down and you if can't break it down , then make a hole next to it and get through , the hypocrites, the liars , the jealous , the ones who envy you , the one who try to look down on you , the backstabbers and my favorites, the ones who are happy to see you with a big smile and shake your hand but then talk shit behind your back ... you cut them out like a cancer, you detach yourself from them so they can't really touch you BUT you keep them close so they can see when the time comes for victory , you knew it all along .. that is sweet revenge on its own without doing anything..only your own success and progress needs to speak, it will be louder then all .. by being like this you might get a little secluded that will make you THE BLACK SHEEP but you got the eyes of a wolf , this has been my way and the Kataklysm way of thinking.
Our real friends , close allies and the people who carried us THE FANS in the end is all that matters to have on your side , the proof is 23 years later , 12 albums later we are still here, to all of you who have had a helping hand , I thank you , we won't let you down and to my dear enemies , keep trying
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
A lesson a learned in life .. When no one wants to let you in their world , No one wants to help you .. you must CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD , with your own tools to survive , your own weapons and the will to move forward through thick and thin , in other words if the door is closed , break it down and you if can't break it down , then make a hole next to it and get through , the hypocrites, the liars , the jealous , the ones who envy you , the one who try to look down on you , the backstabbers and my favorites, the ones who are happy to see you with a big smile and shake your hand but then talk shit behind your back ... you cut them out like a cancer, you detach yourself from them so they can't really touch you BUT you keep them close so they can see when the time comes for victory , you knew it all along .. that is sweet revenge on its own without doing anything..only your own success and progress needs to speak, it will be louder then all .. by being like this you might get a little secluded that will make you THE BLACK SHEEP but you got the eyes of a wolf , this has been my way and the Kataklysm way of thinking.Our real friends , close allies and the people who carried us THE FANS in the end is all that matters to have on your side , the proof is 23 years later , 12 albums later we are still here, to all of you who have had a helping hand , I thank you , we won't let you down and to my dear enemies , keep trying
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
誰もが彼らの世界であなたを聞かせたくない場合には、誰があなたを助けるために望んでいない生活の中で学んだ..教訓は..あなたが前進するために生き残るために独自のツール、独自の武器や意志で、あなた自身の世界を作成する必要がありますドアが閉じている場合は、他の言葉で、厚いと薄いを通してすること、それを打破し、あなたはそれを打破することはできませんし、その横に穴を開け、スルー得れば、偽善者、嘘つき、嫉妬、もの人あなたがうらやましい、あなたを軽蔑してみてください1、backstabbers、私のお気に入り、大きな笑顔であなたを見て、あなたの手を振るが、その後あなたの後ろのたわごと話をして満足しているものは...あなたはのようにそれらをカット癌は、彼らは本当にあなたに触れることはできませんが、時間が勝利のために来るとき、彼らは見ることができるようにあなたが近いそれらを保つようにあなたがそれらから自分を切り離し、すべてに沿ってそれを知っていた..それは何もせずに、独自の甘い復讐です。 .onlyあなた自身の成功や進歩が、それはあなたがあなたの黒い羊を行うことを少し人里離れた得るかもしれない。このようなものによって、すべて..大きくなり、話をする必要がありますが、あなたはオオカミの目を持って、これは私の方法となっていますと思考のKataklysmの方法。
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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