Hello dear
You are so far away and I miss you so much that the only way to ease my pain is by writing you this letter.
Sometimes I think it would be great if we could store certain feelings in a little "box"... I´ll explain: it´s not so bad to miss someone every now and then,
but it hurts too much
sometimes and the absence becomes unbearable.
That´s how I´m feeling right now, and that´s the feeling I would like to keep in a safe or in a little scented box that I could open really quickly from time to time, like when you open a perfume or a lotion.
But I really wish I didn´t have to feel like this ever again. I wish you were always around, always close and ready to listen to all the affectionate words I have to say to you.
I hope i come back soon!
I am really excited reading from you and I always have you in my mind.
I send my mails to you from our server room Because of my position here in the camp
we are been restricted from many things because of security purpose.
You know I'm in a war zone in the middle east
Most times communications are being monitored.
The phones we make use of are military radio phones
we use to communicate with our fellow Army officers.
We are restricted from making calls off camp
Because of security reasons it will be difficult for me to communicate with you through phone calls
That is the more important reason why I must work very hard towards ending my assignment
so i can come to meet you .
Please always take very good care of yourself honey.
I love you so much.
I look forward toward your reply.