Reasons to Wake Up Before SunriseIn case you didn't know, the benefits of rising before the sun go far beyond having more hours in the day. The truth is, waking up early has been a part of our human nature since the dawning of time. Before your handy dandy iPhone or android alarm, and prior to the ringing-off-the-bedside-table clock, the solar power of the sun woke us up before light even cracked the sky! Going with the rhythms of nature offers us some hearty goodness, here's a few of those blessings and more:1. Before Sunrise is the BEST Time to Get GroundedThe ancient wisdom of Ayurveda (folk medicine of India), educates us on the energy that is present in those wee hours of the morning. About an hour and a half before sunrise, there is an initial shift in energy, it's subtle, but you can feel the spaciousness and quietude that resonates in the air. A half hour before sunrise a second wave of energy brings a heightened opportunity to manifest hope, inspiration, and peace. Try waking up and meditating a few minutes during these special hours, focus on positive outcomes to events in your life, do a slow yoga flow, and take long deep breaths.2. More Alert and More CalmAside from the obvious fact that if you have more time to wake up, you will be more alert and mentally available to take on challenges, studies have proven it! Scientists at the University of Alberta recognized that folks who woke before the sun were able to function at a higher level by 9am then others who woke up just an hour before 9am. Makes total sense! Wake up earlier, take your sweet time getting ready, maybe even do that work out, enjoy a clear, confident, and stress-free mental and physical state. Do this and you'll feel like brick house no matter what you have to face!