The shipment schedule of priority sample UCS7601P with White color is ETD Solo on May 29th 2015
Please confirm the address below for sent priority sample :
KONDOBO Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd.
Honmachi Square Bld, 10 F
4-6-7, Honmachi, Chuo-Ku, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan
Telp : +81-6-7711-4121
Fax : +81-6-6271-0117
Mobile : +81-90-5050-8341
Att : Mr. Taro Maeda
For 2 UCS7601 with PORG color, today on process at Printing factory. We will keep you updated that shimpent schedule
For the Quotation Price, Ms. Iin still waiting acc by Ms. Imelda. We will inform you again within today
Kindly please awaiting