CILEGON – work accident occurred at PT Krakatau Posco, Saturday (22/2) in the early hours. A large explosion followed by a fire occurred in the Steel Making Plant (SMP) a production joint venture between Krakatau Steel (KS) and Pohang Iron and Steel Company (Posco) of South Korea origin. In fact, the explosion happened to twice, i.e. approximately at 03.00 pm and 01.
Events that stir most of the community Sub-district Ciwandan. Bustomik, Member of the Commission II DPRD Cilegon, said that the huge explosion sound. In fact, her voice caused her house vibrate. "I was really surprised to hear the explosion. Because of the surprise, I finally got out of the House to find out what that explosion sound,"the Bustomik who lived in the neighborhood Flooded, Kelurahan Kubangsari, Ciwandan District.
not only Bustomik, but a number of other residents were out of the House after the first explosion. That's when, Bustomik saw flames soaring from PT Krakatau Posco. "See the flames as high as it was, I knew right away there was a work accident in the factory. Because, beginning January 1, the production of steel mills were also crashing, though not to explode as it is today, "he said." said Senada
Yout Syihabudin, Member of the Commission of LEGISLATIVE Cilegon who also lived in the town in Ciwandan. He confesses to aghast when heard loud noises from explosions of PT Krakatau Posco. "At that time, my phone directly to it here to find out. It turns out, the blast came from a production area where the accident happened on 1 January, "said Shihab.
After some time watching the fire from the front of his house, Shihab went back into the House to rest. However, the explosion occurred around 03.00 p.m. to get her re-awakened. "Hours 03.00, the factory exploded again until I woke up. This is really strange, what's up with that. Later, I will propose to the Chairman of the Board to call the management of PT Krakatau Posco, "said Shihab.
direct respond to these events by the Department of Labor (Disnaker) Cilegon. Supervisory officer Employment Dis naker Cilegon Rahmatullah directly to the scene to conduct an investigation. "Early in the morning I can report an awful lot of people, even Mr Kadis (Chief Disnaker Harahap, Erwin Cilegon Red) asked me to direct investigations into the field," he said.
After doing the investigation and requested information from a number of witnesses, It was concluded that the blast came from a shell blast furnace (furnace iron smelters, Red). The previous leak tool up to accident causes work, 1 last January. "It turns out the cause is the same tool," said Rahmatullah. He explains, the explosion occurred when the PT Krakatau Posco was doing repairs On the process,
. the technicians found the existence of a number of iron WAD on a shell blast furnace which is difficult to clean. Because of that, the technician decided to immerse the iron lumps by way of heating the shell blast furnace. Unfortunately, the technician not knowing that inside the shell there is a pooled water. "There was water in the furnace, the presence of water which causes the shell blast furnace exploded, "said Rahmatullah.
Caption Kapolres justified Cilegon Rahmatullah AKBP Defrian Donimando. He said, based on information from Site Manager PT Krakatau Posco Sulistiadi, explosion of production spaces not derived from faulty equipment. "It's because of liquid iron met the water, would explode. But, not because of damage to the tool or another, "he said.
On another part, Corporate Secretary of PT Krakatau Christiawaty Ferania Keseger Posco confesses the incident no victims died or lukaluka. "The engine is okay, anyway it's just a blast. There were no fatalities, no injuries, "he said. (quy/del/bi/jpnn)