Christ of the century war of 5 142 until this year, it is the war nearly four times from BC Stage 0 to 3000 BC period. The victim has more than 50 million people the number of really 98 percent combined from 30 century BC Until the present century. This dispute, new religion of the shootings, such as the general of shootings are not included. Add this and it is estimated to be of 60 billion people. This was the large incident just to say that to be a century of another Christ. Now that ISS has emerged, also are victims of Dell's new 5 billion people if you continued the century of Christ. It is to change to other century in order to save even a person's life five billion people. It is of a high time to change to the other century. Watchword will save 50 million people! Watchword will impose mountain! You are.