Japanese companies had also implemented as a hydropower IPP project in the past, which the CEPCO carried out pre-investment study with Nippon Koei Co. in 2003.
The project is the best properties as a large-scale hydropower that the annual average discharge is large (about 130 CMS), the max. head is high (about 400 m) and the waterway length is short compared to the max. head (about 8 km).
Geological features of the site mainly have alternation of sandstone and mudstone with the inclination at angle 20 toward the northwest to north-northwest so that it is necessary to pay full attention to a landslide, especially in the left bank.
It was reported damages from floods during under construction, these days on April 28, 2019. Furthermore, we assume that countermeasures against floods for the permanent and temporary installations and a downward flow of boulders in the river are important.
We confirmed the restoration works around at many places for damages from the flood before two months, however, we could not grasp the whole aspect because of short site visit.
We felt that the project is excellent potential, however, the success of the project depends on countermeasures against issues for geological/geographical features, floods, etc.