Amber to Krystal: I have a question that i wanted to ask since yesterday.
K: what what
A: why do you keep wanting to paint something on my nails?
DJ: oh there's really something on your nails.
A: yesterday we went to China and the waiting time was long.
And i was sitting there and Krystal was sitting beside me, and all of sudden she started looking at me, in a weird look.
and then she looked at my hands and suddenly goes like "oh! Amber! let's paint nails!"
DJ: so did you paint?
K: she didn't let me paint them all
A: (mimic soojung) "Amber, why you don't paint them all! paint all!"
DJ: In english?
A: yes
A: so i let her do only two
L: it's cute
K: only two
A to K: why~
K to A: why~
L: her nails are really cute
A to k: why~ im really curious. why~~
K: cuz i was bored and there's no one to disturb. vic unnie was sleeping, luna unnie was practicing singing.
L: Amber unnie and soojung play well together
DJ: oh do they?
L: Yes, they play well together.
V: in the waiting room, they were playing a game when i woke up
L: Ninja~~~
DJ: what's that game?
A: it's called ninja game. you gotta try to hit the other person. it's very fun.