This section provides hands-on examples of XPath queries over the AST.翻訳 - This section provides hands-on examples of XPath queries over the AST.中国語言う方法

This section provides hands-on exam

This section provides hands-on examples of XPath queries over the AST. You will probably find this section more useful if you follow it with Designer and copy/paste the examples.
Let's assume you want to match something on class variable names. You see in the ASTVviewer that VariableDeclaratorId contains the variable name - in XML terms, the name is in the @Image attribute. So you try an XPath expression as follows:


If you try this expression you'll see that variables declared in methods are also matched. A more precise expression for matching field declarations is, well, using the FieldDeclaration node. This expression matches only the two fields declared in the class:


In a similar way, you can match only local variables with this expression


With local variables we need to be more careful. Consider the following class:
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結果 (中国語) 1: [コピー]
本节提供在 AST 的 XPath 查询的实际例子。如果你跟设计师和拷贝的例子,可能会找这一个区段更有用。让我们假设你想匹配类变量名称上的东西。看见你在 ASTVviewer VariableDeclaratorId 包含的变量的名称-在 XML 术语中,名称是 @Image 属性中。所以,你试着一个 XPath 表达式,如下所示:VariableDeclaratorId如果您尝试此表达式,您将看到在方法中声明的变量也会相匹配。一个更精确的表达式匹配字段声明,嗯,使用 FieldDeclaration 节点。此表达式匹配只有在类中声明的两个字段:FieldDeclaration用相似的方式,您可以匹配只本地变量与此表达式LocalVariableDeclaration与本地变量,我们需要更加小心。请考虑下面的类:
結果 (中国語) 3:[コピー]

/ variabledeclaratorid


/ fielddeclaration


/ localvariabledeclaration

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