First I want to apologize to you guys make've worried & lately not many participated of activities JKT48 mainly theater ...
Maybe you guys ask "I actually I'm sick what, lama banget gak RID..
At first I was not better thinkers say, but after some consideration, it might be making you guys worried if I say what "ga & maybe it would be better if you guys know
Sebenernya complications, one Linfoma lymph or bump on the back of the neck, but some other illness that had healed ...
Well beyond the allegations apparently is healing pretty time consuming, that's why I always obey what the doctor said about never eating, though sadly also can not enjoy food as usual, but well may be able to speed up her recovery, so please the sense used to be well,
When asked in the same theater do not miss? Yess I do, a couple of times I've tried theater ... But it turned out to be unable to perform the maximum as always, existing even pisses you guys add a worry because I look like a self-enforcing & make other members also worried ...