Let me start by saying the staff team and everyone else all help here voluntarily and at the very least I appreciate that, If you have ever been apart of our staff and you left I still appreciate the effort you put in. Without that effort you would have never been made staff and everyone has showed different degrees of effort even amongst our alpha testers. Our policy has changed from time to time but this is going to be a big change. Up until now our staff has had about 50 support tickets a day everyday for the past year. On our new ticket system alone we have nearly 12,000 tickets answered, all together we probably have 25,000-30,000 tickets answered between our small staff team and we have come to realize some people do not appreciate the effort we put in voluntarily to reply to their tickets; this is especially true in regards to ban appeals. We have had staff tell us "Done, I cannot do this anymore, I am out" because they do not feel appreciated or cannot handle the amount of effort we ask of them and I completely understand this is a very hard thing to do and you are doing it because you care about the mod and want to see it succeed.