I am at a point where I now also do not understand anymore what exactly is required.
There has been already so much information and detail provided, I am bit puzzled what the laboratory is asking additionally.
Could you please explain one more time in detail and exactly the lab needs from us. Kindly do me this favor.
If the wallpaper factory issues an MSDS, information does it have to include?
If it is only about formaldehyde, would a statement by the company suffice which states that it does not apply additional formaldehyde during its production process?
Also, I cannot understand why this is necessary! The lab conducts a formaldehyde test, so it will measure its content (and it will pass), why does the lab need a statement?
Thank you for clarifying, then I will contact the supplier for our requirements.
Let us be very precise as I do not want to go back and for to the supplier all the time.