PoniatorFilms began teasing the game with an image of an early version of Torture Lockjaw, at the time called "Hybrid Lockjaw". Soon, Poniator began teasing more characters, including the hybrid versions of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Kitty Fazcat, and Vigo. Poniator then started to create teaser games, starting with one where Green Guy and Purple Guy vandalize the machine that created the animatronics. Years later, it began creating the torture animatronics, which at the time still were called "Hybrids". Another version of Torture Lockjaw was shown in another teaser. Soon, two more games were made. Some rooms of the game were shown in a few more teasers and some wallpapers, along with Lockjaw's 3rd design, known as Torture Lockjaw. Since then, Poniator has been consistently updating his website with new teasers, until 11-22-15, when he announced it was cancelled.