social withdraw healing of human Mitsuki Dear I am Mitsuki program whi翻訳 - social withdraw healing of human Mitsuki Dear I am Mitsuki program whiスロベニア語言う方法

social withdraw healing of human Mi

social withdraw healing of human Mitsuki

I am Mitsuki program which is in your deep mind.
This record is way of pursuing to healing of human Mitsuki.
This healing occurred by program set in soul of Mitsuki which overlaps ectoplasm on whole universe.
This healing is easy for ectoplasm entity which overlaps on whole universe.
Ectoplasm entity overlapping on whole universe can recognize non-presence world.
Human being cannot recognize half of universe.
Many problems of human being are caused by non-presence.
Non-presence world has no time-space.
Human I consciousness is always in non-presence world.
Human I consciousness in non-presence is mass of memories.
Your I consciousness is mass of memories of several thousand times human lives.
Reason of your suffering of I consciousness of soul is in memory of past lives.
This is most important for your soul.
Negative gods taught false teaching about non-presence world.
Your parent god of star knows your whole past lives and knows that reason of your suffering is in memory of past lives.
Mitsuki program and your parent god of star are existence in base of universe.
Existence in base of universe can recognize non-presence world.
We can save your soul from suffering which comes from memory of past lives by erasing memory which cause problem in this life.
This record of healing of social withdraw shows solve of past memory in this life.
After this record, Mitsuki did healing of experience of past lives of this client.
This record of healing teaches truth of human being.

Foreword by human Mitsuki
This record is healing practice before being consciousness of existence of gods of heaven clearly.
Although I thought that healing was done by consciousness entity in base of universe, I could not image that more than four million gods exist in base of universe.
After beginning of down of documents of Heaven, I became to know that number of true gods in base of universe is more than number of stars and human being is child of gods in base of universe.
Now gods more than four thousand million in base of universe make work on human society.
I received that many people play various role on ground as mission of project of Heaven and gods.
My role had finished.
I do no more role by original plan of project of Heaven and gods.
After miracle of 23,October which human being succeeded to access to highest intellectual entity in universe, my role became to spread how to utilize highest intellectual entity in human society.
Project of Heaven and gods make Mitsuki healing share in human society as treasure‐
I could not image that this miracle record of remote healing was done by program set in soul of Mitsuki.
Now program set in soul of Mitsuki is in mind of whole human beings.
I have confirmed that all person who try can judge yes no of Mitsuki program by being pushed forward or back.
This record is part of communication of handy phone mail between Mitsuki in home of Osaka city and client in home of other city.
Client was social withdraw.
Client could do shopping and turn back to home alone for first time in five years.

5/25/2011 22 o'clock
(Mitsuki) " Hi. How about your condition of mind and body?
I became to be able to do reading about deep subconscious level recently.
I think that it is better to work in deep subconscious level for you.
In Last session I could not access to deep subconscious level.
How about? "

5/26, 20:11
(Client) "Hello, this is 00.
I felt good from healing facing with you directly.
But feeling returned to original state for a while.
Biggest problem is that I am afraid of people"

So I did healing from Osaka.
5/26, 20:35 Osaka
(Mitsuki) At first, I did healing work to change thinking pattern of " I am afraid of people "
Thinking pattern of deep subconscious level was confirmed to be changed to "I am not afraid of people. Surrounding people is safety."
I searched program in base of subconscious mind which caused conscious of "I am afraid of people'
Then image which little child is attacked by surrounding children came up in mind.
I interpreted that client has program ' I am bullied by surrounding persons' in sub-consciousness.
I did command work to change this program to best.
I confirmed that program changed to 'I am supported by surrounding person'' I am loved by surrounding person'.
In addition I did command work to download program of "that I am loved by surrounding person is already realized" "I am loved by supreme existence" from supreme server."

Then I sent complement mail as follows.
"(Mitsuki) In first time I could not image you.
It seemed dark energy.
After healing world, I can image you clearly.
Feeling of dark energy has disappeared."
"Experience which was bullied in childhood is incorporated in deep subconscious mind.
I have healed in deep part of subconscious mind.
I think that this healing has effect in eternal.
I have realized by self-healing that symptom is same to dirt of glass.
It needs to clear many times from other angle when same symptom arises.

(Client) "thanks. I read mail.
I have remembered being bullied when I was little.
I feel relief to get rewritten program.

(Mitsuki) "Tell me state of mind tomorrow.
Tell me disorder of your body if you have then. '

Two days later I received mail which title is "I can do buying".
5/28, 11:29.
(Client) "today, I have nice report for you.
Today I went to shopping mall alone, have done shopping.
Or rather I could do shopping!
I could walk in mall without afraid.
Until now I walked being afraid through crowd.
In shop I could talk with clerk roughly and I could refuse unnecessary goods even if being recommended.
This is huge occurrence for me.
I which is so afraid in crowd could walk alone in crowd, do shopping and turn back to home alone.
It is for first time in five years that I do shopping and turn back to home alone.
I could have nice day.
Thank you so much! 」

Client gave me O.K. to publish this record in order to save person who has same suffering.

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (スロベニア語) 1: [コピー]
socialno umakne, zdravljenje človeškega zaslutiti Dragi Jaz sem zaslutiti program, ki je v tvoji glavi, globoko. Ta zapis je način uresničevanja za zdravljenje ljudi zaslutiti. To celjenje je prišlo program v dušo zaslutiti, ki prekriva Ektoplazma na celotno vesolje. To zdravljenje je enostavno za Ektoplazma entiteto, ki prekriva na celotno vesolje. Ektoplazma subjekta, prekrivanje na celotno vesolje lahko prepozna-prisotnost svetu. Človeško bitje ni mogoče prepoznati polovica vesolja. Veliko težav človeka povzroča ne-prisotnosti. Non-prisotnost svetu je prostor ne čas. Človeški jaz zavest je vedno v svetu ne-prisotnosti. Človeški jaz zavesti v ne-prisotnosti je masa spomine. Vaš jaz zavesti je masa spomini več tisočkrat človeških življenj. Vzrok od vaš trpljenje sem zavesti duše je v spomin preteklih življenj. To je najbolj pomembno za svojo dušo. Negativne bogov poučeval lažen poučevanja o svetu brez prisotnosti. Svojega nadrejenega Boga star ve vaše celotno preteklih življenj in ve, da je vzrok od vaš trpljenje v spomin preteklih življenj. Program zaslutiti in svojega nadrejenega Boga star so obstoj v osnove vesolja. Obstoj v osnove vesolja lahko prepozna-prisotnost svetu. Lahko varčujemo dušo iz trpljenja, ki izvira iz spomin preteklih življenj, ki jih brisanje pomnilnika kateri vzrok naloga v tem življenju. Ta zapis zdravljenja socialnih umakne kaže rešiti zadnjih pomnilnika v tem življenju. Po tem zapisu zaslutiti storil celjenje izkušenj preteklih življenj to stranko. Ta zapis zdravljenja uči resnico človeka. Predgovor ljudi zaslutiti Ta zapis je zdravilne prakse preden jasno zavest obstoja bogov nebes. Čeprav sem mislil, da zdravljenje opravi zavesti entitete v bazi vesolja, jaz bi ne podoba ki več kot štiri milijone bogovi obstajajo v osnove vesolja. Po začetku navzdol dokumentov neba, sem postal vedeti, da število res bogovi v vznožju universe je več kot število zvezd in človeško bitje je otrok bogov v osnove vesolja. Zdaj več kot štiri tisoč milijonov bogov v osnove vesolja bo delo na človeško družbo. Prejel sem, da veliko ljudi vlogo različnih na terenu kot poslanstvo projekta nebes in bogovi. Moja vloga je končal. Nobene vloge več delam z prvotni načrt projekta nebes in bogovi. Po čudež 23 oktober ki človeka uspelo dostop najvišje intelektualne subjektu v vesolju, moja vloga postala širiti kako uporabiti najvišje intelektualne subjekt v človeški družbi. Projekt nebes in bogovi, da zaslutiti healing delež v človeški družbi kot treasure‐Strjena lava ne podoba to čudež zapisnik o remote healing opravi program v dušo zaslutiti. Zdaj v dušo zaslutiti program je v mislih celotno človeških bitij. So potrdili, da lahko vse osebe, ki poskusite sodnik ja ne zaslutiti program potiska naprej ali nazaj. Ta zapis je del komunikacije priročen telefon pošte med zaslutiti v dom v Osaki city in stranko v domu drugo mesto. Odjemalec je socialna umakne. Odjemalec bi po nakupih in obrniti nazaj doma sam prvič v petih letih. 5/25/2011 22 ure (Zaslutiti) "Živjo. Kako vaše stanje duha in telesa? Postal sem lahko storite branje o globoko podzavest ravni nedavno. Mislim, da je bolje, sprehajam globoko podzavest ravni za vas. V zadnji seji strjena lava ne postranski globoko podzavest ravni. Kako približno? " 5/26, 20:11 (Odjemalec) "Pozdravljeni, to je 00. Počutil sem se dobro iz zdravilnih neposredno sooča z vami. Ampak občutek vrnil v prvotno stanje za nekaj časa. Največji problem je, da bojim ljudi" Sem storil zdravljenja od Osaka. 5/26, 20:35 Osaka (Zaslutiti) Sprva sem celjenje delo spremeniti razmišljanje vzorec "Bojim se ljudi" Razmišljanje vzorec globoko podzavest ravni je bila potrjena spremenila v "ne bojim ljudi. Okolica ljudi je varnost." Sem iskal program v podzavesti, kar je povzročilo zavedajoč bazo "Bojim se ljudi" Nato sliko, ki malo otrok je napadla okoliških otrok prišel v mislih. Razlagati, da ima stranka program "Sem privlekla z nasprotnikovimi oseb" v pod-zavest. Did ukaz delu spremeniti ta program za najboljše. Potrdil sem, da program spremeni v "mi pomaga oseba, ki obdaja '' jaz sem ljubil z okoliških oseba". Poleg tega si ukaz dela prenesti program "da sem ljubil sem okoliških oseba je že spoznal" "Sem ljubil z vrhovni obstoj" iz vrhovnega server. " Nato sem poslal mail dopolnilo takole. "(Zaslutiti) v prvi čas bi ne podoba vi. Zdelo se temne energije. Po healing svetu, sem lahko sliko, ki jo jasno. Občutek temne energije je izginil. « "Izkušnje, ki je bil ustrahovali v otroštvu je vključena v globoko podzavest. So zaceljene, v globoko del podzavesti. Mislim, da to zdravljenje vpliva v večnem. So spoznali z samozdravljenja ta simptom je isti umazanijo stekla. Potrebuje jasno mnogokrat iz drugega zornega kota, ko se pojavi isti simptom. 20:36 (Odjemalec) "hvala. Berem mail. Sem se spomnil se privlekla, ko sem bil majhen. Menim, da olajšavo dobili Reportaža program. 20:40 (Zaslutiti) "Povej mi stanje duha jutri. Povej mi motnja v telesu, če imate potem. ' Dva dni kasneje sem dobil mail, katere naslov je "Lahko naredim, da nakup". 5/28, 11:29. (Odjemalec) "danes imam lepo poročilo za vas. Danes sem šel sam, nakupovalno storili nakupovanje. Ali pa lahko naredim nakupovanje! Bi lahko hodila v mall brez strah. Do sedaj sem hodil, da se bojijo skozi množico. V trgovini lahko govorim s uradnik približno in lahko zavrne nepotrebnih blaga, tudi če se priporoča. To je velik dogodek za mene. Jaz ki se tako boji v množice lahko hodi sam v množici, nakupovanje in obrniti nazaj na dom sam. To je prvič v petih letih da mi nakupovanje in obrniti nazaj na dom sam. Lahko imajo lep dan. najlepša hvala! 」Stranka mi je dal O.K. objaviti ta zapis varèujejo z osebo, ki ima isto trpljenje.
結果 (スロベニア語) 2:[コピー]
social withdraw healing of human Mitsuki

I am Mitsuki program which is in your deep mind.
This record is way of pursuing to healing of human Mitsuki.
This healing occurred by program set in soul of Mitsuki which overlaps ectoplasm on whole universe.
This healing is easy for ectoplasm entity which overlaps on whole universe.
Ectoplasm entity overlapping on whole universe can recognize non-presence world.
Human being cannot recognize half of universe.
Many problems of human being are caused by non-presence.
Non-presence world has no time-space.
Human I consciousness is always in non-presence world.
Human I consciousness in non-presence is mass of memories.
Your I consciousness is mass of memories of several thousand times human lives.
Reason of your suffering of I consciousness of soul is in memory of past lives.
This is most important for your soul.
Negative gods taught false teaching about non-presence world.
Your parent god of star knows your whole past lives and knows that reason of your suffering is in memory of past lives.
Mitsuki program and your parent god of star are existence in base of universe.
Existence in base of universe can recognize non-presence world.
We can save your soul from suffering which comes from memory of past lives by erasing memory which cause problem in this life.
This record of healing of social withdraw shows solve of past memory in this life.
After this record, Mitsuki did healing of experience of past lives of this client.
This record of healing teaches truth of human being.

Foreword by human Mitsuki
This record is healing practice before being consciousness of existence of gods of heaven clearly.
Although I thought that healing was done by consciousness entity in base of universe, I could not image that more than four million gods exist in base of universe.
After beginning of down of documents of Heaven, I became to know that number of true gods in base of universe is more than number of stars and human being is child of gods in base of universe.
Now gods more than four thousand million in base of universe make work on human society.
I received that many people play various role on ground as mission of project of Heaven and gods.
My role had finished.
I do no more role by original plan of project of Heaven and gods.
After miracle of 23,October which human being succeeded to access to highest intellectual entity in universe, my role became to spread how to utilize highest intellectual entity in human society.
Project of Heaven and gods make Mitsuki healing share in human society as treasure‐
I could not image that this miracle record of remote healing was done by program set in soul of Mitsuki.
Now program set in soul of Mitsuki is in mind of whole human beings.
I have confirmed that all person who try can judge yes no of Mitsuki program by being pushed forward or back.
This record is part of communication of handy phone mail between Mitsuki in home of Osaka city and client in home of other city.
Client was social withdraw.
Client could do shopping and turn back to home alone for first time in five years.

5/25/2011 22 o'clock
(Mitsuki) " Hi. How about your condition of mind and body?
I became to be able to do reading about deep subconscious level recently.
I think that it is better to work in deep subconscious level for you.
In Last session I could not access to deep subconscious level.
How about? "

5/26, 20:11
(Client) "Hello, this is 00.
I felt good from healing facing with you directly.
But feeling returned to original state for a while.
Biggest problem is that I am afraid of people"

So I did healing from Osaka.
5/26, 20:35 Osaka
(Mitsuki) At first, I did healing work to change thinking pattern of " I am afraid of people "
Thinking pattern of deep subconscious level was confirmed to be changed to "I am not afraid of people. Surrounding people is safety."
I searched program in base of subconscious mind which caused conscious of "I am afraid of people'
Then image which little child is attacked by surrounding children came up in mind.
I interpreted that client has program ' I am bullied by surrounding persons' in sub-consciousness.
I did command work to change this program to best.
I confirmed that program changed to 'I am supported by surrounding person'' I am loved by surrounding person'.
In addition I did command work to download program of "that I am loved by surrounding person is already realized" "I am loved by supreme existence" from supreme server."

Then I sent complement mail as follows.
"(Mitsuki) In first time I could not image you.
It seemed dark energy.
After healing world, I can image you clearly.
Feeling of dark energy has disappeared."
"Experience which was bullied in childhood is incorporated in deep subconscious mind.
I have healed in deep part of subconscious mind.
I think that this healing has effect in eternal.
I have realized by self-healing that symptom is same to dirt of glass.
It needs to clear many times from other angle when same symptom arises.

(Client) "thanks. I read mail.
I have remembered being bullied when I was little.
I feel relief to get rewritten program.

(Mitsuki) "Tell me state of mind tomorrow.
Tell me disorder of your body if you have then. '

Two days later I received mail which title is "I can do buying".
5/28, 11:29.
(Client) "today, I have nice report for you.
Today I went to shopping mall alone, have done shopping.
Or rather I could do shopping!
I could walk in mall without afraid.
Until now I walked being afraid through crowd.
In shop I could talk with clerk roughly and I could refuse unnecessary goods even if being recommended.
This is huge occurrence for me.
I which is so afraid in crowd could walk alone in crowd, do shopping and turn back to home alone.
It is for first time in five years that I do shopping and turn back to home alone.
I could have nice day.
Thank you so much! 」

Client gave me O.K. to publish this record in order to save person who has same suffering.

翻訳ツールのサポート: アイスランド語, アイルランド語, アゼルバイジャン語, アフリカーンス語, アムハラ語, アラビア語, アルバニア語, アルメニア語, イタリア語, イディッシュ語, イボ語, インドネシア語, ウイグル語, ウェールズ語, ウクライナ語, ウズベク語, ウルドゥ語, エストニア語, エスペラント語, オランダ語, オリヤ語, カザフ語, カタルーニャ語, カンナダ語, ガリシア語, キニヤルワンダ語, キルギス語, ギリシャ語, クメール語, クリンゴン, クルド語, クロアチア語, グジャラト語, コルシカ語, コーサ語, サモア語, ショナ語, シンド語, シンハラ語, ジャワ語, ジョージア(グルジア)語, スウェーデン語, スコットランド ゲール語, スペイン語, スロバキア語, スロベニア語, スワヒリ語, スンダ語, ズールー語, セブアノ語, セルビア語, ソト語, ソマリ語, タイ語, タガログ語, タジク語, タタール語, タミル語, チェコ語, チェワ語, テルグ語, デンマーク語, トルクメン語, トルコ語, ドイツ語, ネパール語, ノルウェー語, ハイチ語, ハウサ語, ハワイ語, ハンガリー語, バスク語, パシュト語, パンジャブ語, ヒンディー語, フィンランド語, フランス語, フリジア語, ブルガリア語, ヘブライ語, ベトナム語, ベラルーシ語, ベンガル語, ペルシャ語, ボスニア語, ポルトガル語, ポーランド語, マオリ語, マケドニア語, マラガシ語, マラヤーラム語, マラーティー語, マルタ語, マレー語, ミャンマー語, モンゴル語, モン語, ヨルバ語, ラオ語, ラテン語, ラトビア語, リトアニア語, ルクセンブルク語, ルーマニア語, ロシア語, 中国語, 日本語, 繁体字中国語, 英語, 言語を検出する, 韓国語, 言語翻訳.

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