I give a warm reception to self, I receive warmly oneself.
Self-ceremony! Self-coronation!
Be in long pants. Be the most panzer panoplied pantheistic self.
Be the most in-depth identical indescribable self. Self-independency! Self-indentation! Self-identification!
I hold the whole lot in the one. Be a man of talent in perfect order.
I secure self, I indemnify for one's fortune, I guarantee oneself. Self-guarantee! Self-indemnification!
I shock, I give a shock wave, I present a big impact, I confer a intense impaction, I bestow own soul, in the whole world.
I improve one's skill, I demonstrate one's ability, I put one's talent to use. Be the most able skilled skillful competent self.
俺が自身の腕を磨き力を発揮す。最も可能熟練有能腕の立つ要求にかなう 自身であれ。
I teach a lesson, confine ISIS, punish Islamic State, chastise all terrorists of the world, make elaborate plans.
I rule over, govern oneself, grace self with supreme power. Be the most ruling grabby graceful governable governmental self. Self-ruling! Self-governance! Self-government!
I content oneself with the whole area, I set one's mind at ease all over the world. Be the most quiet silent peaceful contented self. Self-contentment!
I endow self with my force, endorse one's doctrine. Be the most well highly richly endowed self. Self-endowment! Self-endorsement!
I chasten oneself, chase from one's chest, chase out of my mind, chase away own soul, chase off spiritual all contents, chase around. Be the most chauvinistic self. Self-chauvinism!
I open one's heart leaps, hearten up self, cross my heart, have one's heart in the right place, tug at a person's heartstrings, wear one's heart upon one's sleeve, have everything the heart can desire. Self-heartbeat! Self-heartthrob!
I impute to my origin, I advocate own doctrine. Be the most impulsive imputable advisable self. Self-impulse! Self-advisement! Self-advocacy! Self-impulsion! Self-imputation! Self-advocation!