In reference to your booking confirmation 130548232872 we’re offering you a credit coupon for JPY3000, which can be redeemed on your next pre-paid booking. Your coupon code is GWCE5DUD53. This code will expire twelve months from the date of this email and it can only be used once. Please keep this email for future reference when making your booking, as this coupon code is unique to you. It won’t be stored in your account and our customer service representatives won’t have access to it either.
Please ensure that you carefully read our Terms and Conditions below.
When you’re ready to book your next trip on the website, you’ll find a prompt to ’Apply discount code’ on the payment page. Simply enter the coupon code and select ’Apply’ for the revised price.
If a credit has been applied to a booking that you need to change or cancel, please contact our customer service representatives.
1. Your Credit may be used to book hotels through our website or call center, subject to eligibility and availability. Please note those hotels that are ineligible for coupon redemption will not offer you the opportunity to enter a valid coupon code on our payment page.
2. Only one Credit can be used per booking and cannot be combined with any other promotions or offers.
3. Your Credit cannot be transferred or sold to a third party and can only be redeemed once.
4. The Credit cannot be used toward taxes, fees, charges and surcharges related to your booking.
5. The Credit has no cash or refund value except when redeemed in accordance with all terms and conditions of this offer. It cannot be returned for cash or its equivalent and is only applicable to prepaid reservations.
6. Your Credit will be deemed fully used once a qualifying reservation has been made and cannot be returned or replaced, and there will be no refund if redeemed in part.
7. If the travel stay dates are changed after the use of a Credit, then the Credit will not apply to the changed travel arrangement.
8. Your Credit may not be used for any previously purchased reservation.
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