Some business processes use protocols with specific requirements that make inter-process communication necessary. For example, you may have a process that starts when a TIBCO Rendezvous Certified Message (RVCM) arrives. Your process may also require a Wait for Rendezvous Message listening on the same subject as the process starter. This specific configuration is difficult to implement because incoming messages create new processes and also are sent to the waiting activities in the process.
In the example above, the business requirements necessitate working around the requirements of the RVCM protocol. To accomplish this, you may be able to change your business requirements, or you can use the Wait and Notify activities to create two process definitions.
The first process definition accepts all new messages and determines, based on message content, whether the message should start a new process or be passed to an activity in the process waiting for the message. The process executes a Notify activity for the new message, but the key of the Notify is different depending upon whether a new process must start or if the message is to be sent to an executing process. The second process definition starts with a Receive Notification process starter and has a Wait activity in place of the Wait for Rendezvous Message activity. This configuration allows the first process to receive all incoming messages, parse them to determine the appropriate action, and then pass each message to the appropriate process.
Some business processes use protocols with specific requirements that make inter-process communication necessary. For example, you may have a process that starts when a TIBCO Rendezvous Certified Message (RVCM) arrives. Your process may also require a Wait for Rendezvous Message listening on the same subject as the process starter. This specific configuration is difficult to implement because incoming messages create new processes and also are sent to the waiting activities in the process.
In the example above, the business requirements necessitate working around the requirements of the RVCM protocol. To accomplish this, you may be able to change your business requirements, or you can use the Wait and Notify activities to create two process definitions.
The first process definition accepts all new messages and determines, based on message content, whether the message should start a new process or be passed to an activity in the process waiting for the message. The process executes a Notify activity for the new message, but the key of the Notify is different depending upon whether a new process must start or if the message is to be sent to an executing process. The second process definition starts with a Receive Notification process starter and has a Wait activity in place of the Wait for Rendezvous Message activity. This configuration allows the first process to receive all incoming messages, parse them to determine the appropriate action, and then pass each message to the appropriate process.