Note to overseas visitors to Japan. More could be detained by false accusations, prosecutors and police in Japan, innocent people there. Also, without checking the facts in court, as prosecutors claim, to guilty. Victims of these false accusations are numerous, Japanese, not applied to foreigners.
Judge responsible for criminal justice in Japan is not popular than civil court. Becoming a minority. In addition, Japan judges the 10 in the judges feel compelled not reappointed the judges examination or not suitable for the job every year but the jury and Prosecutor, judge and Prosecutor and judge,.
And been found guilty, and unleash in Japan justice, Secretariat-General of the public prosecutor and the Supreme Court the power, athleticism, prosecuted by the public prosecutor at the same.
Also, Japan judges are experienced judges, such as American lawyers and judges will judge isn't. In addition, Japan judges the Secretariat-General of the Supreme Court, the relocation and salary depended on and, counter to the intention of the Supreme Court, during transfer to remote rural areas and examination pass does not constitute.
It is not totally surprising, such as Japan, all national and foreign victims of false accusations to be. On the foreigners to visit Japan well understood, this visit is.