Cockroaches eat human food salt but most anything from rotting food an翻訳 - Cockroaches eat human food salt but most anything from rotting food anアイルランド語言う方法

Cockroaches eat human food salt but

Cockroaches eat human food salt but most anything from rotting food and feces, to spread germs. Practice in a variety of important pathogens detected from cockroaches, Belgian hospital pediatric ward is recorded to the collective food poisoning by Salmonella. If things go from processed foods in their bodies, in the course of its business is a major event.This is the first class of Medical Entomology, no objection to the scissors. But I dare to say in reply, the cockroach can really that bad? Is similar to carry the pathogen of "wash hands and say" too. If the "quality of the pathogen, and fleas, flies much big. In addition, the cockroach originally from the skin clean, have recently reported that the secretion of phenol and cresol germicidal action.A case of food poisoning, and it is a rare case because it was recorded. As human food, it is compared that hawks in agricultural pests. It as a way of not just hated cockroaches in the extreme. In the questionnaire, I hate cockroach bug is always the first place "seat". In the end, the maximum of the human form thatHe has been quoted in the night that does not fit all of chance encounter in the kitchen housewife sense only, I think. To verify the performance of ひるがえって cockroaches, this is pretty good. A cockroach can grow well in large quantities at a low cost, and is important in the world as laboratory animals and breeding system of university research institutions at all times. This worm as the sound that can be extended into a major surgery is not much else.Thanks to the new elucidation of physiological and biochemical, have contributed to the development of the role of inestimable. Also, a lot of insecticides developed for cockroach cockroach lives as it were made of edible and medicinal worldwide in various cases are reported. From the present you some. At the beginning of this century, until the time of the cockroach captured British sailors in the ship, as an important source of protein are eaten raw.It tastes like a shrimp. In the minority of the Thailand, children like to fly, cockroach. There are tons of Sui cooking school principals in recent Japan special menu to fly and cockroach powder mixed with wheat flour. In China, since ancient times, cockroach is utilized as a food. Too too more, and medicinal effect is reached. For example, the cockroach and vascular dilatation Decoction (FIG. 10 China neuralgiaSyphilis and cockroaches and slug of porcine bile (China), the decoction of tea tetanus cockroach, cockroach (USA) (Peru cold sake), bedwetting, charred ground frostbite ointment (Japan) and so on, I have no time. In addition, the utility of sports, not just a superstition. In Europe, has been used widely in commercial heart made of drugs in the German cockroach, active ingredientIt is found that there is the effect of stimulation of renal epithelial cells to stimulate the secretion function. Chinese medicinal at at at at at at the cockroach in FIG. 10).
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結果 (アイルランド語) 1: [コピー]
Cockroaches ithe salann bia an duine, ach an chuid is mó aon rud ó lobhadh bia agus feces, chun frídíní leathadh. Cleachtais i réimse na pataiginí tábhachtacha a aimsíodh ó cockroaches, tá ospidéil bharda péidiatraiceach Beilge a thaifeadadh ar an nimhiú bia comhchoiteanna Salmonella. Má théann rudaí ó bhianna próiseáilte i n-chomhlachtaí, is é i gcúrsa a ghnó ar event.This mór é an chéad rang Leighis feithideolaíocht, aon agóid i gcoinne an siosúr. Ach leomh mé a rá i freagra, is féidir leis an cockroach i ndáiríre go dona? An bhfuil cosúil a dhéanamh ar an pataigin ar "lámha a ní agus a rá" freisin. Má cuileoga an "caighdeán an pataigin, agus dreancaidí, i bhfad mór. Ina theannta sin, an cockroach ar dtús as an craiceann glan, tá tuairiscíodh le déanaí go bhfuil an secretion feanól agus cás cresol action.A germicidal de nimhiú bia, agus é ina annamh cás toisc go raibh sé taifeadta. Mar bia daonna, tá sé i gcomparáid go seabhac i lotnaidí talmhaíochta. Tá sé mar bhealach chun nach cockroaches ach fuath sa mhór. Sa cheistneoir, is fuath liom go bhfuil fabht cockroach i gcónaí ar an chéad áit "suíochán". I an deireadh, an t-uasmhéid den fhoirm daonna thatHe bhí luaite san oíche nach bhfuil oiriúnach gach ceann de sheans bhíonn sa chiall housewife chistin amháin, I mo thuairimse. D'fhonn feidhmíocht na ひるがえって cockroaches fhíorú, is é seo maith go leor. Is féidir le cockroach ag fás go maith i gcainníochtaí móra ar chostas íseal, agus tá sé tábhachtach ar fud an domhain mar ainmhithe saotharlainne agus córas póraithe na n-institiúidí taighde ollscoile ag gach tráth. Seo worm mar an fhuaim is féidir a shíneadh isteach i máinliacht móra nach bhfuil i bhfad chun else.Thanks elucidation nua fiseolaíocha agus bithcheimiceach, tar éis cur le forbairt ar ról na thomhas. Chomh maith leis sin, tá cónaí ar a lán de na feithidicídí a fhorbairt le haghaidh cockroach cockroach mar a bhí déanta aige ar fud an domhain inite agus míochaine lena n-i gcásanna éagsúla a thuairisciú. Ón ar an láthair tú roinnt. Ag tús an chéid seo, go dtí an t-am ar an cockroach a gabhadh mairnéalach na Breataine ar an long, mar is foinse thábhachtach próitéine a ithe raw.It cách cosúil le ribí róibéis. I mionlach de na Téalainn, cosúil le leanaí a eitilt, cockroach. Tá tonna de Sui príomhoidí scoile cócaireacht le blianta beaga anuas tSeapáin roghchlár speisialta a eitilt agus púdar glas measctha le plúr cruithneachta. Sa tSín, ó am ársa, tá cockroach úsáid mar bhia. Tá ró-níos mó, agus leighis éifeacht bainte amach. Mar shampla, an cockroach agus decoction dilatation soithíoch (Fig. 10 tSín neuralgiaSyphilis agus cockroaches agus seilide bile muc (tSín), an decoction de cockroach teiteanas tae, cockroach (SAM) (Peiriú mhaithe fuar), bedwetting, talamh charred ointment frostbite ( tSeapáin), agus mar sin de, tá mé aon am. Ina theannta sin, an fóntais spóirt, ní hamháin le piseog. San Eoraip, tá úsáid go forleathan i gcroílár tráchtála a rinneadh drugaí sa cockroach Gearmáine, tá ingredientIt gníomhach le fáil go bhfuil an éifeacht a spreagadh cealla epithelial duánach chun an fheidhm secretion. leighis na Síne a spreagadh ag ag ag ag ag ag an cockroach i FÍOR. 10).
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