(When specific points of time-space which made up ectoplasm structure have flew away to past, ectoplasm structure based on specific points of new time-space is built up)
I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods decided to introduce article of Mitsuki issued in social forum movement of Japan.
I introduce summarize of article one by one.
This article is that recognition of human has not complete state.
Recognition of human is ectoplasm structure.
Ectoplasm structure is based on specific point of time-space.
Time-space is always flowing.
When specific points of time-space which made up ectoplasm structure have flew away to past, ectoplasm structure based on specific points of new time-space is built up.
Mtisuki argues that human being is incomplete.
This is true.
Complete being is only gods of star in base of universe.
article issued to Japanese social forum movement