Dear Takenori Sakai,
This is an automatic notification to inform you that you were successfully accredited to attend East Russia Economic Forum scheduled for September 3-5, 2015 on Russky Island, Vladiviostok.
Please note that foreign participants can enter the territory of the Russian Federation using one of two options:
Option 1:
A decree of the RF President established a visa-free entry and stay in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign participants on September 26, 2015, based on an Accreditation Certificate provided by the Forum’s Organizing Committee.
In order to get an Accreditation Certificate, please provide the following information to the Forum’s Organizing Committee:
1 Full name of the participant (According to their passport);
2 Passport details of the participant;
3 Departure location (country, city and departure airport). Airline and flight number;
4 Date of arrival in the Russian Federation;
5 City and destination airport (in the Russian Federation);
6 In case of connecting flights: city and airport of connection. Connection time;
7 Date and place (city and departure airport) of exit from the Russian Federation. Flight number and airport.
Please send all requested information to before August 20, 2015. This will allow us to prepare your Accreditation Certificate on time.
We will contact you after receiving Accreditation Certificate request.
Please be advised that the Accreditation Certificate allows you to stay in the territory of the Russian Federation only on September 26.
To cross national boundaries of the Russian Federation it is required to submit a passport and an Accreditation Certificate.
Accreditation Certificate is issued at 4 points in the territory of the Russian Federation (before crossing national boundaries of the Russian Federation) :
- Domodedovo airport
- Sheremetyevo Airport
- Vnukovo Airport
- Vladivostok Knevichy Airport
Option 2:
In order to facilitate the planning of a trip to East Russia Economic Forum, as well to extend the stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign participants are offered a simplified VISA Application procedure to enter the Russian Federation and stay in the country.
In order to get a visa, you should contact the Consulate of the Russian Federation in your country with your passport and the invitation from the Forum’s Organizing Committee. (Invitation could be requested via e-mail:
The visa will be issued within a day. It is valid for 14 days.
Please note that a consular fee is charged for the visa.
Information is available on the official website in the “Participants” section:
Please send your questions regarding Accreditation Certificatevisas to the following email address: or contact us by
+7 (903) 105 85 06
Weekdays 10.00-19.00 (Moscow time)
Attention! Accreditation Certificate is only for crossing the border.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Forum!
If you have any questions, please contact:
- Information Center, phone: +7 (495) 374 51 71(free calls)
- e-mail:
Accreditation Center
East Russia Economic Forum