Since a few months ago, I was not very active ' popped ' on Facebook and Whatsapp. But even then I still monitor and keep track of news out there.
From all of that, the average news sort of normal and no hoopla is significant except one or two wrote.
But there is one issue that I see it ROOKERY bener kok! AWESOME once spread here and there! FB and Whatsapp is crowded at this news!
Yes! development of news about them in the archipelago we again super duper excited.
Don't know what it's true worth to said yammer or because there was a furor himself?!
Starting from the news people were Shiites who began to dominate the politics of our country.
News of kang jalal and his wife who's cute ass makin potent approaches the apparatus of the State.
A Shiite cleric who managed to study at the Istiqlal Mosque fills some time ago.
The emergence of hundreds and even thousands of immigrants the Afghanistan berpostur strapping and adept of martial arts in various corners of our country.
There is another photo of a typical yellow-flagged car Hizbullat which threatens to bantai Ahlus Sunnah.
Until those threats the loyalists of Shia class Facebook entirely not notable.
I don't know why, how it all so so laris manis in our social media?!
There is no other word for what?!
I am sure good intentions inevitably spread it is to raise the level of awareness of the Muslims of treason and their dangers. But..What deserves to be consumed by Muslims freely?! What is worth?
Don't forget! Our Ummah is multilevel and diverse levels of faith.
Ahlus Sunnah! Open the eyes of you. ..
You guys are the Lions of God on Earth
You guys are the people that males
You guys is the flag bearer of unity ' Laa Ilaaha Illallah '!
You guys are the people that are authoritative. Inherit the virility of a charism and the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam!
What is it with you people?!
Cover and burn off some trashy news it is!
Umar Al faruq May Allaah ta'ala says: "Matikanlah kebathilan by not spreading the news. .."
Suffice it important that people play with it
News like that is none other except give anxiety and pessimism
Mothers awake unable to sleep the night away..worried about his kids to be tomorrow's meal Shi'ite Wolf
It is debilitating!
Suffice it to two news yesterday that one already buzzing. ..
Ahlus Sunnah in us all inshallah Indonesia already quite aware of!
Lest we throw each other the news among us but we could not, in fact, was precisely to act anything!
Do not let you guys like the fall of the grenade, because I was so kagetnya, not quite the nimble Spry even throw it, you guys are in fact mutually oper grenade in the hands of you.
Ahlus Sunnah! Open the eyes of you. ..
Lift up your chest! the walk upright!
You guys was the grandson and successor Umar Ibn Khottob, The Persian and Roman conquerors!
Suffice it from now on!
Science and faith be strong you guys!
practise physical and intelligence you guys!
Yes! practice..don't just read and understood only! Please act..
Remember, with the science and swords, our predecessors managed to uphold the flag of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH above the Persian and Roman kuffar.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, "Tegaknya Islam is sustained by two things: the Quran which gives guidance and sword that enforce them!.."
Songsonglah back light of the Sunnah in Indonesia we are! Archipelago beloved.
Takbiir.. !!
Musa bin Yazid At Tamimi,
Students Of The Faculty. Hadith of the Islamic University of Madinah
Since a few months ago, I was not very active ' popped ' on Facebook and Whatsapp. But even then I still monitor and keep track of news out there.
From all of that, the average news sort of normal and no hoopla is significant except one or two wrote.
But there is one issue that I see it ROOKERY bener kok! AWESOME once spread here and there! FB and Whatsapp is crowded at this news!
Yes! development of news about them in the archipelago we again super duper excited.
Don't know what it's true worth to said yammer or because there was a furor himself?!
Starting from the news people were Shiites who began to dominate the politics of our country.
News of kang jalal and his wife who's cute ass makin potent approaches the apparatus of the State.
A Shiite cleric who managed to study at the Istiqlal Mosque fills some time ago.
The emergence of hundreds and even thousands of immigrants the Afghanistan berpostur strapping and adept of martial arts in various corners of our country.
There is another photo of a typical yellow-flagged car Hizbullat which threatens to bantai Ahlus Sunnah.
Until those threats the loyalists of Shia class Facebook entirely not notable.
I don't know why, how it all so so laris manis in our social media?!
There is no other word for what?!
I am sure good intentions inevitably spread it is to raise the level of awareness of the Muslims of treason and their dangers. But..What deserves to be consumed by Muslims freely?! What is worth?
Don't forget! Our Ummah is multilevel and diverse levels of faith.
Ahlus Sunnah! Open the eyes of you. ..
You guys are the Lions of God on Earth
You guys are the people that males
You guys is the flag bearer of unity ' Laa Ilaaha Illallah '!
You guys are the people that are authoritative. Inherit the virility of a charism and the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam!
What is it with you people?!
Cover and burn off some trashy news it is!
Umar Al faruq May Allaah ta'ala says: "Matikanlah kebathilan by not spreading the news. .."
Suffice it important that people play with it
News like that is none other except give anxiety and pessimism
Mothers awake unable to sleep the night away..worried about his kids to be tomorrow's meal Shi'ite Wolf
It is debilitating!
Suffice it to two news yesterday that one already buzzing. ..
Ahlus Sunnah in us all inshallah Indonesia already quite aware of!
Lest we throw each other the news among us but we could not, in fact, was precisely to act anything!
Do not let you guys like the fall of the grenade, because I was so kagetnya, not quite the nimble Spry even throw it, you guys are in fact mutually oper grenade in the hands of you.
Ahlus Sunnah! Open the eyes of you. ..
Lift up your chest! the walk upright!
You guys was the grandson and successor Umar Ibn Khottob, The Persian and Roman conquerors!
Suffice it from now on!
Science and faith be strong you guys!
practise physical and intelligence you guys!
Yes! practice..don't just read and understood only! Please act..
Remember, with the science and swords, our predecessors managed to uphold the flag of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH above the Persian and Roman kuffar.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, "Tegaknya Islam is sustained by two things: the Quran which gives guidance and sword that enforce them!.."
Songsonglah back light of the Sunnah in Indonesia we are! Archipelago beloved.
Takbiir.. !!
Musa bin Yazid At Tamimi,
Students Of The Faculty. Hadith of the Islamic University of Madinah