Originally the Church of Saint Michael, the synagogue is named after the 12th-century rabbi of Jerusalem who obtained permission to build a temple of worship on this location. According to the local Jewish community, now numbering about 50 families, this was the site of the temple built by the prophet Jeremiah. Some claim that Jeremiah is actually buried here beneath a miracle rock. Another legend associated with the area is that this was the location of a spring where the pharaoh's daughter found the baby Moses. Little differentiates the synagogue's outside appearance from a church, save, of course, signs like the Star of David on the gate. Inside, a fine 12th-century bimah. made of wood and mother-of-pearl, remains. During the last restoration in the 1890s, it was discovered that medieval Jews used the site as a genizah for any documents on which the name of God was written. Thus, all contracts, bills of sale, marriage licenses, and the like were placed in the genizah. Needless to say, this find was a treasure trove for medieval Middle Eastern historians. The synagogue is now a museum and is not used for services.
当初the saint michael of church , the synagogue誰がこの場所on崇拝の寺院を建設する許可を得てエルサレムのthe 12世紀rabbiの名前の後に.the local jewishコミュニティへのaccording , now約50 numbering , this the預言者エレミヤによってbuilt寺のsite was .some jeremiah actually、miracle rock beneath buriedがここにあるclaim .面積another legend thisがファラオのdaughter見つけた赤ちゃんmoses春のof the場所だったというis .the synagogueの外観は、church ,からのcourse save , little differentiates , theゲートon david of the star like signs .inside ,、fine 12世紀bimah .木材とパールのmother of made remains .theの1890年代の最後の回復during ,それはwas発見された中世のjews used the site as書庫のために、any文書のwritten was .thus契約,セールの札marriage許可とlike were the書庫にplaced .言うまでもなく、これは中世のmiddle eastern historians発見の宝庫なwas .the synagogue now博物館とサービスのために使わ.