Sergey Advanced, Aug 9, 23:41 MSK
Yes, sure you will receive this payment.
Please contact us back for manual crediting if you will not receive this payment after 6 confirmations.
Sergey Advanced
Advanced Cash Ltd
Customer Support Service Engineer
stcm2nd-stcm@yahoo.co.jp, Aug 9, 22:47 MSK
Thank you very much for your reply.
Finally I can receive this Bitcoin?
It is good if it takes time that I receive.
Please answer Yes or No.
Sergey Advanced, Aug 9, 22:34 MSK
Thank you for contacting Advanced Cash support.
This transaction should receive at least 6 confirmations from the bitcoin network to be credited.
We cannot predict how fast a transaction gets 6 confirmations because it depends on the Bitcoin network load at the time and other factors outside of our control. Our system performs regular checks to see if the 6 confirmations have been obtained.
Sergey Advanced
Advanced Cash Ltd
Customer Support Service Engineer
stcm2nd-stcm@yahoo.co.jp, Aug 9, 19:52 MSK
$ 150.64
PD_2016.08.09..PNG - https://advcash.zendesk.com/attachments/token/bRvOeNSOGjO1XgYrbue7D3kl9/?name=PD_2016.08.09..PNG