①Safety/ 1 ■Side walk 5 Side walk is clearly painted , physically separated from the vehicle path with "guard" to secure pedestrian safety.
Basic item 3 Side walk is clearly painted but not physically separated from the vehicle path with "guard".
1 Side walk does not exist or pedestrians does not observe the walk rule.
2 ■Safety Equipment for Workers 5 Safety equipment code is indicated at the shop floor and most of the employees observes the code.
3 Safety equipment code exists but not indicated at the shop floor , although most of the employees observes the code.
1 Safety equipment code does not exists or some employees do not observe the code.
3 ■Past Fatal Accidents (Last 3 years) 5 Procudere for prevention of recurrence for accidents exists and no fatal accidents have happened for more than 3 years.
3 Procudere for prevention of recurrence for accidents exists although fatal accidents have happened in 3 years.
1 Procudere for prevention of recurrence for accidents does not exist.
4 ■Safety Concerns in the plant 5 Activities to prevent from accidents exists and no obvious dangerous points are observed.
e.g.:Disposal of moving machine, Fall off 4 No planned activities to prevent from accidents but no obvious dangerous points are observed.
possibility, Safety Fence etc. 3 There are some dangerous points but countermeasure is planned.
1 Scattered dangerous points are observed.
5 ■Legally restricted material, reduction of target 5 "Legal limits for restricted material, reduction of target materials, the safety sanitary standard are grasped,
supplier's own level is monitored and complys to the legal limit. In addition, made company's aim and work on for improvement."
materials & the safely sanitary standard
3 "Legal limits for restricted material, reduction of target materials, the safely sanitary standard are grasped,
supplier's own level is monitored and complys to the legal limit."
1 "Legal limits for restricted material, reduction of target materials, the safely sanitary standard are grasped
but supplier's own level is not monitored or not complys to the legal limit."
6 ■Experience with Other OEM 5 Have more than 5 years experience of similar part to other OEM.
4 Have more than 3 years experience of similar part to other OEM.
3 Have more than 1 years experience of similar part to other OEM.
2 No experience of mass production yet but developing now for other OEM.
1 No experience.
7 ■Development/Production Preparation Lead Time 5 Standard lead time is available and continuous effort for lead time reduction is conducted.
3 Standard lead time is available.
1 Standard lead time is not available.
8 ■Project Schedule Management Capability 5 There is enough system and organization to manage total progress of a project from design , Production preparation and mfg.
4 There is no organization but enough system to manage total progress of a project from design , Production preparation and mfg.
3 There is no organization but system to manage each design, production preparation and manufacturing.
1 There is no system to manage design/production preparation/manufacturing.(Rely on Customers' schedule management)
9 ■Training and Education 5 There is Company Training /Education Structure which is well operated.(with responsibility/plan/carriculum)
*Especially for designers and inspectors *Required skill level (Including Qualification) is clarified from the job needs and each employee has his own plan and target.
3 There is Company Training/Education Structure but without clarification of required skill for job.
1 No Company training/Education Structure.
Safety/ Environment/ Basic item Overall Score
②-1 1 ■Role and Responsibilities 5 There is standard process for product design and development which defines action steps and responsible organization for each action and actually operating the standard process.
development 3 "There is organization responsible to manage product design and development and the organization defines all action steps with
role and responsibilities."
capability 2 "There is organization responsible for design and development but the organization does not define action steps or
role and responsiblieties."
(Apply only for 1 There is no organization responsible to manage product design and development.
RDDP Suppliers) 2 ■Design Planning to development Target 5 Cost target and cost structure is planned , achievement status is monitored monthly and necessary countermeasure is taken.
3 "Cost target and cost structure is planned but achievement status is not monitored enough to take necessary measure
(Only at Milestone timing)"
1 No cost target or cost structure is planned.
5 "Plan for activities of design/proto/evaluation to achieve development target is planned and actually activities
are conducted to the plan."
*Steps for grasping legal requirements , past problems and mfg. Requirements and evaluations shall be clarified.
3 "Plan for activities of design/proto/evaluation to achieve development target is planned and actually activities
are conducted to the plan, but but only as for part. (* inner item is uncertain)"
1 No Plan for activities of design/proto/evaluation to achieve development target is available.
3 ■Design FMEA 5 Design FMEA is conducted and concrete countermeasure is planned and taken for all concerns.
*Countermeasure on the drawing/Process Parameter・Control method and Inspection is pjanned and taken.
3 Design FMEA is cunducted but concrete countermeasures are not clear.
1 Design FMEA is not conducted.
4 ■Design (Drawing) Capability 5 There is design organization who can design RDDP Parts. (Approval Drawing Parts)
*Supplier can propose its own product design based on its own standard (Know-how).
3 There is design organization who can design RDDP parts to customers spec. requirements.
1 There is no design organization for RDDP parts.
5 ■Design Resoures 5 Design resources are planned and secured considering training LT based on mid-long term business plan.
*The plan shall be in accordance to mid-long term project plan(Target)
3 Design resources are secured to the current business but mid-long term plan is not clear.
*Required resources for current project shall be understood and secured.
1 Design resources are not secured.
5 Design Infrastructure such as CAD is secured and planned to the mid/long term project/corporate plan.
3 Design Infrastructure for the current projects are secured.
1 Design Infrastructure is short of the current running projects.
6 ■Competitor Survey(Tech Trend Study) 5 "There is procedure and activities to conduct Market Survey , Benchmark for competitors and to reflect the result on
the following product development."
3 There is activities to conduct Market Survey , Benchmark for competitors.
1 There is neither procedure or activities to conduct Market Survey or Benchmarking for competitors.
②-2 7 ■Past problem feed bak to 5 Supplier grasps the quality problems relating to design and conducts activities to improve the design for the future projects.
Design/ design / Development Process *Maintaining "Past Trouble Booklets", utilization of design Check sheets (inc. version update) etc.
development 3 Supplier grasps the quality problems relating to design but activities to improve the design for the future projects are not enough.
(Common to RDDP and Customer Drwg. Suppliers.) 1 Supplier does not grasp the quality problems relating to design.
8 ■*SE Activities 5 SE activities are planned and conducted.
" *SE:Simaltaneous Engineering
Activities to gather all the requirements for the production / mfg. Quality and implement into the design." *All related organization in the company has system and activities to gather know-how as well as Syb-tier/tool makers.
3 SE activities are planned and conducted but activities in * are not fully conducted.
1 SE activities are not conducted.
9 ■CATIA Utilization 5 Supplier has experience of using CATIA :More than or equal to 3 projects.
(In case of Unit parts, "Pro-E")
3 Supplier has experience of using CATIA :1-2 projects.
1 Supplier has no CATIA
10 ■Information Network 5 Information Network with customer is available and utilized.
" *In addition to Sharing design data such as CAD data or Proto/Evaluation Status, supplier is capable for
""Remote CAD Review""."
3 Information Network with customer is available and utilized.
*Capable for Sharing design data such as CAD data or Proto/Evaluation Status.
1 Not capable for sharing design data or proto/evaluation status.
11 ■Evaluation Process 5 There is *evaluation plan and the progress is monitored systematically.
*Evaluation itmes /Conditions/ Judgment Criteria for the commodity are standardized.
3 There is evaluation plan but the progress is not properly monitored.
(e.g. Delay of evaluation or Failure in the evaluation is not clear , No countermaeasure for problems is visible.)
1 No evaluation plan available.
12 ■Testing Capability 5 Supplier is capable to test most items by itself. When it is outsourced, testing method and conditions are clearly instructed.
(for Tests of Material, Components, Assy.) *Crosscheck of test equipment or testing method confirmation to the out-sourced testing lab is securely conducted.
3 Supplier can test most items by itself and whe