"My injuries taught me a lot; Trust, and you'll be betrayed. Drop your guard, and you die. Kill first, before they kill you. The strong survive and The weak die. Reality, plain and simple." --Makoto Shishio
Gatau kenapa yah alih2 benci, malah kasian sama karakter shishio ckck poor guy~ ( °-°)/-_-
gatau deh udah berapa kali ngulang Rurouken 1 sama Kyoto Inferno --a desperate banget nungguin The Legend Ends T_T
and guess what??
Im obsessed with Shishio (Fujiwara Tatsuya)'s husky voice kkkkkkk~ his voice is soooo sexy~ xD *ups*
but dont worry Take-chan you're still my number one crush LOL XDDD